Movies & Television

White Collar

White Collar [season 1 DVDs available here] is a procedural crime drama about FBI white collar crime expert Peter Burke and his former-art-forger-and-thief confidential informant Neal Caffrey, who in conjunction with his friend Mozzie (pictured) use unconventional tactics to bring criminals to justice. If you enjoy this fictionalization, try some of these true stories of brilliant theft and deception:

Gaming the game: the story behind the NBA betting scandal and the gambler who made it happen by Sean Patrick Griffin

Literary hoaxes: an eye-opening history of famous frauds by Melissa Katsoulis

Madoff with the money by Jerry Oppenheimer

Jane Eyre Revisited… Again

Jane Eyre is a classic I love to revisit. I don't think I am alone, considering the oodles of sequels, adaptations, and movies based on the book. And [rapturous sigh] a new movie version is being released on March 11, 2011. If you are a fellow Eyre-head, browse the Jane-related works at CPL to pass the time as you wait breathlessly for the latest movie to premiere.


Jane Eyre — I love Charlotte Gainsbourg as Jane, but, really, what were they thinking to cast William Hurt as Rochester?

Jane Eyre by BBC Enterprises — I can't help myself. I adore this 1985 BBC miniseries, even though Timothy Dalton is way too handsome to be Rochester.

Jane Eyre by BBC; WGBH Boston — Speaking of good looking, have you seen this Masterpiece Theatre version with Toby Stephens?

Everyone's Reading The Lincoln Lawyer

Note: Tickets for this event are sold out as of Thursday, April 7, 2011.

Join us for Everyone's Reading The Lincoln Lawyer February 14-April 14. Former crime beat reporter, Michael Connelly is a fiction writer with an impressive 22 successful novels. He will share tales of his writings at the Birmingham Community House on April 14 at 2:00PM and the Berman Theatre at the Jewish Community Center in West Bloomfield, at 7:30PM on the same date. We have a limited supply of free tickets available on a first-come, first-served basis. Stop by the Adult Reference desk to pick up yours today. Also join one of our many book discussion groups as we read and talk about The Lincoln Lawyer. Mark your calendar for the movie release on March 14 starring Matthew McConaughey, Marisa Tomei, Ryan Phillippe and William H. Macy.

This Month on DVD at the Library

New this month on DVD is Conviction directed by Tony Goldwyn. This is the true story of Betty Ann Waters and her struggle to free her brother, Kenny who is sentenced to life in prison for a crime he did not commit. The movie follows Betty Ann's 18 year journey to set Kenny free, as she completes her GED, graduates law and the complications of a new trial. This real life drama touches on the legal system, justice and the strength of a sister and brother love. With an all star cast and a great story the running time of 103 minutes should fly by. So grab some popcorn and enjoy.

RoboCop Statue a "Rocky" Proposition?

RoboCop, a cinematic gem of the 1980s, exemplifies the attitude of many people toward Detroit: crime-infested urban ruins. So, despite the title character being [spoiler alert] a hero, the movie's setting is not depicted in such a positive light.

This is in contrast to Rocky, which shows Philadelphia in a mostly-neutral light; along with a glorious training montage that made the Philadelphia Museum of Art steps an icon and tourist attraction. Given the positive effect of Rocky on Philly tourism, the strong identification of that film with a particular filming location, demand for a statue for photography purposes, and the pre-existence of a bronze Rocky statue (which was created as a prop for Rocky III), the permanent installation of the prop statue seems natural.
Now, in Detroit, with the resurgence of civic pride and national recognition:

Black History Month Family Films

Start some family discussions by watching one of these five films.

Remember the Titans — The story of how school integration affects a football team and its coaches.

Akeelah and the bee — Akeelah overcomes a distracting home life to participate in the national spelling bee

The princess and the frog — New Orleans waitress Tiana's plans to own her own restaurant are sidelined by some unusual developments of an amphibian nature.

Ruby Bridges — Dramatization of the real life story of Ruby Bridges, the first child to be integrated into her New Orleans elementary school

Selma, Lord, Selma — Martin Luther King's Selma march is witness through the eyes of a child.

May We Suggest (On Facebook)?

If you're on facebook and like books, DVDs, and all the other great things Canton Public Library provides, you'll probably be interested in our May We Suggest facebook page. We post recommendations from our expert staff: romance books, comedy DVDs, nonfiction and advice titles, and more. Along with that, we'd like to know what you're reading and whether you recommend other people to read it too. Join us on facebook for great recommendations.

Remember the [blank]

A call to remember notable events, especially surprise attacks and disasters, is a well-known trope in the cultural memory. As George Santayana quipped, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." So, in case you have forgotten, here are some resources for remembrance of things past:

Remember the Alamo

The Alamo: a cultural history by Frank Thompson

Sleuthing the Alamo: Davy Crockett's last stand and other mysteries of the Texas Revolution by James E. Crisp

The Alamo [videodisc] by The History Channel

Remember the Maine

How the battleship Maine was destoyed by H.g. Rickover


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