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Remember the [blank]

A call to remember notable events, especially surprise attacks and disasters, is a well-known trope in the cultural memory. As George Santayana quipped, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." So, in case you have forgotten, here are some resources for remembrance of things past:

Remember the Alamo

The Alamo: a cultural history by Frank Thompson

Sleuthing the Alamo: Davy Crockett's last stand and other mysteries of the Texas Revolution by James E. Crisp

The Alamo [videodisc] by The History Channel

Remember the Maine

How the battleship Maine was destoyed by H.g. Rickover

A ship to remember: the Maine and the Spanish-American War by Michael Blow

Never Forget 9/11

The Commission: the uncensored history of the 9/11 investigation by Philip Shenon

Watching the world change: the stories behind the images of 9/11 by David Friend

The looming tower: Al-Qaeda and the road to 9/11 by Lawrence Wright

Remember remember, the 5th of November

Faith and treason: the story of the Gunpowder Plot by Antonia Fraser

King James by Pauline Croft

Remember the Lusitania

Lusitania: an epic tragedy by Diana Preston

Sinking of the Lusitania [videodisc]: terror at sea

The Lusitania: unravelling the mysteries by Patrick O'Sullivan

Remember Pearl Harbor

One day in history — December 7, 1941 by Rodney P. Carlisle, general editor

Remember Pearl Harbor [videodisc]: America taken by surprise

The USS Arizona: the ship, the men, the Pearl Harbor attack, and the symbol that aroused America by Joy Waldron Jasper, James P. Delgado, Jim Adams