Kids Book Lists

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Green Reads Redux

Looking for more stories about kids working to protect our environment? You might find them in unexpected places. If you are a Fantasy Fiction fan try The Companions Quartet series by Julia Golding. If you like Realistic Fiction, try Night of the Spadefoot Toads by Bill Harley and Operation Redwood by Susannah T. French. If you like adventure, you might find Raining Sardines by Enrique Flores-Galbis exciting and full of suspense. You see, there are lots of possibilities when it comes to "green" reads. Enjoy!

Pumpkin Easy Reads

I'm definitely in a fall mood. With the weather getting cooler, I keep thinking about fall stuff like apple cider, warm soup, and pumpkins. I'm ready to go buy some pumpkins right now, but it's still a little too early for that. In the meantime, I think I'll just read some books about them. Here are some of my favorite easy-reading titles all about pumpkins. Enjoy!

Buster and the giant pumpkin by Marc Brown

Oh my, pumpkin pie! by Charles Ghigna; illustrated by Kenneth Spengler

Pumpkin fever by written by Charnan Simon; illustrated by Jan Bryan-Hunt

Franklin's pumpkin by Sharon Jennings; illustrated by Robert Penman, Sasha McIntyre, Jelena Sisic, Shelley Southern

Personal Identity

If you enjoyed Stanford Wong Flunks Big-Time or The Not-So-Star-Spangled Life of Sunita Sen, you might be interested in learning that we have many more books about children coming to terms with being multiple races/ethnicities. I enjoyed Half and Half by Lensey Namioka and I Wanna Be Your Shoebox by Christina Garcia. There are many more to choose from (ranging from picture books to chapter books), so stop by the Children's Department today to pick up a good read!

Princesses, Princesses, Princesses!

Everyone loves a good princess tale, whether young or old, and the Children's Department has an awesome selection of titles for you to pick from. For the early readers we have such series as: The Tiara Club and Pony-Crazed Princess. For those who like humorous/fractured adaptations of traditional tales, try these spin-off series: The Frog Princess or Princess School. Historical fiction fans will soon learn that some real-life princesses of old did not have a fairy-tale existence at all when they read Girl in a Cage. Three great new additions to our princess collection are: The Extraordinary Princess, The Princess Plot, and Princess of the Midnight Ball. Enjoy CPL's parade of princesses!

Green Reads

Did you notice that a lot of new books feature stories about the environment? Even some of our favorite characters are "going green". Check out these titles to see what I mean:

SpongeBob goes green!: an earth-friendly adventure by Molly Reisner; illustrated by Stephen Reed

OK go by Carin Berger

Cam Jansen and the green school mystery by David A. Adler; illustrated by Joy Allen

Just Grace goes green by written and illustrated by Charise Mericle Harper

Enter the earth by Lee Welles; illustrated by Ann Hameister

Bedroom Makeover

Does your bedroom need a fresh look for the new school year? Have no fear, we have a interior decorating book just for you. For help with making over your bedroom, check out:

I wanna re-do my room by Clea Hantman; illustrated by Azadeh Houshyar

Bedroom makeover crafts by Kathy Ross; illustrated by Nicole in den Bosch

Room crafts: add some simple style to your space by from the editors of American Girl

For a look that is all your own, experiment with collage. Cut out your favorite images from magazines, zines, old comics or print out images from your Facebook page. Glue them all together to make a monster collage and call it wallpaper.

School Strangeness Series

Have you ever considered how strange, scary, and weird school can be?! Well, your school is probably pretty normal compared to the schools in these hilarious stories, but then again, maybe not. Read for yourself and find out. You may need to start preparing for the next school year well in advance if you have to deal with any of these situations.

Letters and Numbers

Be sure to check out our special section of ABC and 123 books in aisle 1 in the children’s department next to the picture books. Here are some fun titles to check out:

Feast for 10 by Cathryn Falwell

Count on Clifford by Norman Bridwell

Carlo likes counting by Jessica Spanyol

Bearobics: a hip-hop counting story by Vic Parker, Emily Bolam

ABC3D by Marion Bataille

Alphabet under construction by Denise Fleming


Beware! Camping adventures can turn into calamities. If you doubt me, just read what can happen

Camping catastrophe! by Abby Klein ; illustrated by John McKinley

Alvin Ho : allergic to camping, hiking, and other natural disasters by Lenore Look ; illustrated by LeUyen Pham

A week in the woods by Andrew Clements

Other, less horrific tales, involving camping are also available at the library for your summertime reading, be it safe at home, or out in the wild.
