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Pumpkin Easy Reads

I'm definitely in a fall mood. With the weather getting cooler, I keep thinking about fall stuff like apple cider, warm soup, and pumpkins. I'm ready to go buy some pumpkins right now, but it's still a little too early for that. In the meantime, I think I'll just read some books about them. Here are some of my favorite easy-reading titles all about pumpkins. Enjoy!

Buster and the giant pumpkin by Marc Brown

Oh my, pumpkin pie! by Charles Ghigna; illustrated by Kenneth Spengler

Pumpkin fever by written by Charnan Simon; illustrated by Jan Bryan-Hunt

Franklin's pumpkin by Sharon Jennings; illustrated by Robert Penman, Sasha McIntyre, Jelena Sisic, Shelley Southern

The pumpkin patch by written by Margaret McNamara; illustrated by Mike Gordon