Personal Identity

If you enjoyed Stanford Wong Flunks Big-Time or The Not-So-Star-Spangled Life of Sunita Sen, you might be interested in learning that we have many more books about children coming to terms with being multiple races/ethnicities. I enjoyed Half and Half by Lensey Namioka and I Wanna Be Your Shoebox by Christina Garcia. There are many more to choose from (ranging from picture books to chapter books), so stop by the Children's Department today to pick up a good read!

Fun Holiday Alert

Did you know that Friday, June 26, is the 10th Annual Take Your Dog to Work Day? This holiday is all about celebrating man's best friend and encouraging folks to look into pet adoption. Even if you don't have a dog and can't get one anytime soon, why not celebrate the day with a fun dog story? My favorites are John Grogan's Marley books. He's written everything from children's easy readers to memoirs for adults, so there's something for the whole family!