Research has established a strong link between gratitude and greater, personal happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships. Gratitude helps people refocus on what they have instead of what they lack. And, although it may feel contrived at first, this mental state can grow stronger with use and practice.

We know that opportunities to feel and express gratitude are an important part of living your best life in 2019. This is why our Spark Your Year Workbook includes a Gratitude Tracker Spark Sheet to help you cultivate gratitude on a regular basis. Print this sheet often and use it to reflect on the good in your life. 

Spark Your Year: Make It Happen

Have you already lost sight of your NY resolutions – or just need a boost to help you stay focused? Did you know that many people start the year out in January making New Years Resolutions, over 80% fail by the second week of January? Sometimes all it takes to help us move forward is a little introspection and help from others to help see things differently.  

Using CPL’s Spark Your Year program worksheets we will explore how to identify areas in your life to focus on, learn how to set intentions for your best year ahead, and create a plan for how to make it happen. 

This program is for ages 18 and up. Registration is required.

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Canton Seniors Book Discussion: February 28, 2018

The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency by 1948- Alexander McCall Smith
Also available in: audiobook | large print

The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series tells the story of the delightfully cunning and enormously engaging Precious Ramotswe, who is drawn to her profession to "help people with problems in their lives." Immediately upon setting up shop in a small storefront in Gaborone, she is hired to track down a missing husband, uncover a con man, and follow a wayward daughter. But the case that tugs at her heart, and lands her in danger, is a missing eleven-year-old boy, who may have been snatched by witchdoctors.

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Research shows that one of the fastest ways to improve your own mood is to do something nice for another. Not only does being kind make you feel good, it benefits others. That is why we have created a special Spark Sheet to help you help others. Use this Acts of Kindness Tracker to plan and create happiness in your community. 


Every amazing year includes amazing books, movies, games & music. That is why we created two special Spark Sheets to help you meet your reading, viewing and listening goals. Use these sheets to make lists and track progress. Plan to reread old favorites or stretch into unchartered territory. Make a list of all the movies you have been meaning to watch and cross them off one by one. Whatever you decide, we have the tools to help you make the most of 2019.

A vision is a picture of what success will look like sometime in the future. What does a successful 2019 look like for you? Where do you want to be? What do you want to be, to do, to have? Where did you travel? What did you learn? What did you accomplish? Use the Spark Sheet to write it down or draw it in pictures. Get as specific as you can. Include as many details as possible. 

Clearly and defining where you are headed and what it will look like when you get there is the first step in creating an action plan to make your vision a reality. With clear intentions to focus on, you will be ready for the next step - your plan to make it happen, and we have created a Spark Sheet just for that as well.

This planning will have you on your way to the best year ever. Be sure to check back often for more ways to Spark Your Year


"We do not learn from experience.

We learn from reflecting on experience."  - John Dewey

Research shows that intentional reflection offers us several benefits: it fosters learning, enables personal and professional growth, inspires healthy change, boosts self-confidence, and improves performance. The end of the year is the perfect time to take stock of the year past, and plan for the year ahead. 

As part of this year's Electrify Your Winter program, the Canton Public Library will be releasing special Spark Sheets -  a set of specially designed worksheets to help you dream, create and plan to live your best life in 2019. 

As 2018 draws to a close, and as a preview of coming attractions, we are offering the first couple of Spark Sheets in the series. These sheets are specifically designed to help you reflect on 2018. Helpful prompts will guide you through what went wrong and what went right. This valuable insight will put you in the best possible position to plan your best 2019. 

Print the sheets as often as you like. Reflect, learn, grow and be sure to check back here for additional ways to Spark Your Year.



This winter, let CPL help you dream, create and plan to live your best life. Spark Sheets are a special series of worksheets that will help you make the most of 2020. Designed with all ages in mind, Spark Sheets offer tools for a variety of growth mindset and self improvement tasks like goal setting, tracking and accountability.

Get started by reflecting on the year past and then creating a vision for 2020. Next, design an action plan to make your vision a reality. Establish new habits for mind and body wellness. Track your progress and see small steps add up to big results. Make fun and relaxation a priority by creating lists of books to read, music to listen to and movies to watch. There are dozens of ways you can use Spark Sheets to help make 2020 the best year ever. 

You can download the entire workbook here, but be sure to check back often as we will be highlighting specific worksheets and tools throughout the winter. Each new post will offer fresh ideas and tips as well as information on library materials and programming to help you stay on track and achieve your goals. 



Electrify Your Winter and jumpstart the New Year with the Canton Public Library. This winter, let CPL help you dream, plan and live your best 2020. We have assembled the best tools, ideas and opportunities to help you enjoy, achieve and stay on track. Can’t get to the library? No problem. Library resources are available 24/7 and our social media will keep you connected to your community. Worried about cabin fever? No problem. The Canton Public Library will meet you where you are with the programs, books and experiences you need to stay inspired and entertained.

Use one of our Spark Sheets to set goals and track your progress. Check out an Experience to Go Kit and let us help you take the first step towards goals like organization or physical fitness. Snuggle up and watch one of the fireside stories on our YouTube channel whenever you want to- whether that be on a snow day or on a day you’re looking for something to entertain the kids with. Tackle a snow day craft with Creativebug. Use Hoopla or Overdrive to check out and use books, movies and music - all from the comfort of home. When you do come visit us, we might just surprise you with hot chocolate, coffee and tea to warm you up before you head back into the Michigan cold.

We will be working hard all winter long to keep the blues at bay and we look forward to sharing the cold months with you.

CPL Presents Spark Your Year

The Canton Public Library has supercharged this year's Electrify Your Winter with exciting new tools to help you beat the winter blues and stay connected. Spark Sheets are a series of worksheets designed to help you make the most of 2019. These sheets will help you set personal goals, track your progress and even help to keep you accountable.  

Join us for an informal drop in session to learn about these sheets. Staff will be on hand to answer questions offer ideas on how the library can help you achieve your goals.



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