apps for reading

App-y Trails: Travel Tech for Summer Fun

Are you hitting the road this summer in search of sun, fun, and new vistas? Stop in to the library to learn about helpful apps to help you have your Best Summer Ever! From navigating new territory to taking your library with you wherever you go, we'll share our favorite apps for living well while traveling light. Bring your device and your library card!

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Everyone has a To Read list, but what do we do with the scads of titles we finished? How do we keep track of them for ourselves, our kids, and to make recommendations to friends? Here are apps that can help you keep track of your titles in fun and accessible ways.



Available for free for both the iPhone and Google Android devices, Goodreads can be used as an app and on the computer as well, all with the same login information. Goodreads lets you track both titles you have read and titles you want to read, along with the ability to see what your friends are reading and to be a part of their yearly reading challenge, where you set a goal and try to meet it by the end of each calendar year. 

Google Android App--

Apple Store--


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