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3 Apps to Track Reading

Everyone has a To Read list, but what do we do with the scads of titles we finished? How do we keep track of them for ourselves, our kids, and to make recommendations to friends? Here are apps that can help you keep track of your titles in fun and accessible ways.



Available for free for both the iPhone and Google Android devices, Goodreads can be used as an app and on the computer as well, all with the same login information. Goodreads lets you track both titles you have read and titles you want to read, along with the ability to see what your friends are reading and to be a part of their yearly reading challenge, where you set a goal and try to meet it by the end of each calendar year. 

Google Android App--

Apple Store--


1000 Books Before Kindergarten

Trying to get your little one interested in books? With this free app, the goal is to read 1,000 books together before they get to Kindergarten. New titles and well-loved rereads all count towards your child's goal. This app is free for both iPhone and Google Android devices.  When entering titles, you can scan them or add them manually.


Google Android--


Scholastic Book Wizard

Scholastic has put out a new app that is FREE to users on both the Google Android and iPhone called Book Wizard. This app allows you to create booklists, look up lexile levels, DRA, guided reading levels, and suggested grade levels. Scholastic has also made the content available online at, so that you can use the information both at home and on the go! Scholastic has a huge collection of books to choose from and this app will most likely not make your To Read list shorter, I am sure!

Google Android---
