
  • Call the Meeting to Order
  • Call to Audience (5 min. maximum)
  • Approval of Agenda
  • Approval of General Meeting Minutes
  • Communications
  • Report of the Library Director
  • Trustee Comments
  • Unfinished Business & General Orders
    • Update on Phased Reopening
  • New Business
    • Approve 3rd Quarter Budget Amendment as Presented
    • Resolution to Approve the MERS Defined Benefit Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum and Appoint the Library Director as Authorized Designee
  • Call to Audience (5 min. maximum)
  • Adjourn

Please note that the October Meeting of the Canton Public Library Board will be held remotely, in accordance with MDHHS orders. Members of the public who wish to participate in this meeting may join the Zoom meeting at 7:30 PM on Thursday, October 15. Attendees will be muted automatically except for the Call To Audience portions of the agenda, where members of the public may use the "raise hand" function within the Zoom meeting application, at which point they will be unmuted for up to 5 minutes of public comment per person.

The meeting packet is available below. The meeting will be recorded and posted following the meeting. Members of the public needing accommodation due to a disability should contact the library director, Eva Davis, at

Closed session to discuss library director’s evaluation, per request by E. Davis.

Present: Nancy Eggenberger, Jasmine Lee, Jane Pandit, Don Turner, Amy Watts

Absent:  Michelle Farell

The board moved into closed session to discuss the library director’s evaluation for 2020. 
D. Turner moved and J. Lee supported a motion to return to open session.

The motion passed unanimously, 20/9-17-1CS

The hearing was called to order by the Chairperson, Amy Watts, at 7:30 p.m.

Present:           N. Eggenberger, J. Lee, D. Turner, J. Pandit, A. Watts

Absent:            M. Farell

Also Present:   E. Davis, K. Gladden

CALL TO AUDIENCE: (L. Golden, D. McHugh, M. Nicholson, J. Parij, D. Skopczynski, C. Spas,

C. Swanberg) - None


The Proposed 2021 Budget Hearing was opened for discussion.  


D. Turner moved and J. Lee supported the motion to adopt the Proposed 2021 Budget amount of $ 6,328,500. (See Attachment A)


Yes:  N. Eggenberger, J. Lee, J. Pandit, D. Turner, A. Watts

No:  None

Abstain: None

The motion passed 20/9-17-1BH  (5-0-0)


D. Turner moved and N. Eggenberger supported the resolution to approve certifying the rate for tax levy of 1.4717 mills for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2021.

(See Attachment B)


Yes: N. Eggenberger J. Lee, J. Pandit, D. Turner, A. Watts

No:  None

Abstain: None

The motion passed 20/9‑17-2BH (5-0-0)



The budget hearing was adjourned at 7:36 p.m.

The Chairperson, Amy Watts, called the meeting to order at 7:37 PM.

Present:           N. Eggenberger, J. Lee, J. Pandit, D. Turner, A. Watts

Absent:            M. Farell

Also Present:  E. Davis, K. Gladden

CALL TO AUDIENCE   (L. Golden, D. McHugh, M. Nicholson, J. Parij, D. Skopczynski, C. Spas,

C. Swanberg ) – None         


The agenda was accepted by unanimous consent.


The minutes were accepted by unanimous consent.



As of August 31, the library was 2/3 of the way through the fiscal year.  There will be a 3rd Quarter Budget Amendment in October, and likely another one in December. Because of the pandemic shutdown, some major capital item projects had been put on hold. Some of those items may be completed in 2020 as planned but, rather than rush to try to complete them, some may be pulled out and put into 2021. These items have already been planned for and approved and so would be budget-neutral.

Under Expenditures, Insurance is still trending high, as these yearly expenses were paid out in the first quarter of 2020. It will fall into line by the end of the year.

Librarian Carol Kuchta is retiring at the end of September after 38 years with the library. In anticipation of limited browsing being phased in, substitute librarians and on-call pages and circulation assistants have been re-activated; some have declined recall. Page Tim Schoening and on-call Circulation Assistant Diane Miner have proffered their resignations.  On-call Page Salam Habhab has also resigned in order to accept a full-time position elsewhere.

Director of the Library Network (TLN) Jim Pletz is retiring; finalists for his position are Steven Bowers, Associate Dean of the the Wayne State University Libraries; and Cathy Russ, the Troy Public Library director.

Legislation regarding changes to the Library Privacy Act (regarding the release of library records when a crime has been committed) was put forth before the COVID-19 pandemic. A substitute bill has now been taken up by the Michigan legislature. Director Eva Davis will inform the board when any changes are made.

There were not many responses to the 62 Days of Summer survey. Respondents were generally positive about the program. Community Relations Department Head Laurie Golden said that the librarians were amazing; each was responsible for fleshing out resources correlating to squares on the 62 Days map. Golden herself delivered the Prize Patrol swag bags. In all, the sense was that the program helped participants feel more engaged with the library and the community.




Update on Phased Reopening — Limited (30 minute) browsing of materials begins on Thursday, October 1st. Patrons will be required to observe physical distancing; properly wear masks at all times; and stay out of certain areas, which will be blocked off by stanchions and ropes. The Friends’ Activity Room, the Internet Lab and all study and tutor rooms are being used for furniture and equipment storage. The Community Room is still being used to stage Holds pickups by appointment, and the main lobby will be blocked off to allow use of the vending machine area and the lobby restrooms by staff members only. (Patrons will use the family restrooms in the Children’s area.) Otherwise, patrons may browse the collections available in the public spaces.  Toys; puppets; manipulatives; story kits; newspapers and magazines have been pulled, to discourage lingering and because they would be difficult to keep disinfected.

The door counter has been upgraded with a thermal sensor which allows for setting a maximum occupancy number. The digital LED signs in the self-service and Children’s department will be programmed with slides reminding patrons to observe pandemic mitigation techniques and displaying the current occupancy percentage. 25% building occupancy is roughly 184 people (including staff, visitors, volunteers and patrons). Limited browsing will allow a maximum of 50 patrons to start; the top patron maximum will be 140.

 Browsing hours will mirror pickups and technology appointments. Secondhand Prose will also reopen on October 1st, and will also have a 30-minute limit on browsing. They are currently contacting their volunteers for recall.

The library’s janitorial service will continue to do overnight cleaning and sanitizing. A free-standing hand sanitizer station has been purchased and will be placed in the lobby entry

L. Golden is working on signage; the next newsletter will inform the public of this latest phase in the library reopening.

Board Chair Amy Watts questioned how the staff feels about opening for limited browsing. E. Davis said that the staff misses our patrons and are concerned about keeping them safe. Staff overall is both excited and committed to being cautious during this new phase.

Davis praised Circulation Services Interim Department Head Denise Skopczynski and the Circulation Services staff for the stellar job they did on the Tuesday after Labor Day, when over 300 emails requesting new library cards were received over the holiday closure. (Plymouth-Canton Community Schools had informed parents and students that a library card would be necessary to access certain materials for the new school year.) Staff members from all departments assisted in preparing Holds by appointment items, in order to free Circulation Services employees to process the new card requests.

2021 Schedule of Board Meetings and Library Closures (2nd reading) — Trustee Nancy Eggenberger moved and Trustee Jane Pandit supported a motion to approve the 2021 Schedule of Board Meetings and Library Closures as presented.


Yes: N. Eggenberger, J. Lee, J. Pandit, D. Turner, A. Watts

No: None

Abstain: None

The motion passed 20/9-17-1 (5-0-0)


Rescind October 12, 2020 Library Staff Day Closure —N. Eggenberger moved and Vice-Chair Jasmine Lee supported a motion to rescind the closure date as presented.


Yes: N. Eggenberger, J. Lee, J. Pandit, D. Turner, A. Watts

No: None

Abstain: None

The motion passed 20/9-17-2 (5-0-0)

Closed session for Director’s Evaluation — Director E. Davis requested that the board move into closed session for the purpose of discussing her yearly performance evaluation.

J. Lee moved and N. Eggenberger supported a motion to move into Closed Session.


Yes: N. Eggenberger, J. Lee, J. Pandit, D. Turner, A. Watts

No: None

Abstain: None

The motion passed 20/9-17-3 (5-0-0)




The meeting was adjourned at 8:44 PM.  


•       Call the Meeting to Order

•       Call to Audience (5 min. maximum)

•       Approval of Agenda

•       Approval of General Meeting Minutes

•       Communications

•       Report of the Library Director

•       Trustee Comments

•       Unfinished Business and General Orders

  •        Update on Phased Reopening
  •        2021 Schedule of Board Meetings and Library Closures

•       New Business

  •         Rescind October 12, 2020 Library Staff Day Closure
  •         Director’s Evaluation (closed session)

•       Call to Audience (5 min. maximum)

•       Adjourn

Please note that the September General Meeting of the Canton Public Library Board will be held remotely, in accordance with the Governor's Executive Order 2020-154. Members of the public who wish to participate in this meeting may join the Zoom meeting at 7:30 PM on Thursday, September 17. Attendees will be muted automatically except for the Call To Audience portions of the agenda, where members of the public may use the "raise hand" function within the Zoom meeting application, at which point they will be unmuted for up to 5 minutes of public comment per person.

The meeting packet is available below. The meeting will be recorded and posted following the meeting. Members of the public needing accommodation due to a disability should contact the library director, Eva Davis, at





•      Call the Meeting to Order

•      Call to Audience

•      Approval of 2021 Budget as Presented

•      Approval of Resolution Certifying a Rate of Tax Levy in the amount of 1.4717 mills for the   
       Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2021

•      Call to Audience

•      Adjournment of Budget Hearing

Please note that the Proposed 2021 Budget Hearing will be held remotely, in accordance with the Governor's Executive Order 2020-154. Members of the public who wish to participate in this meeting may join the Zoom meeting at 7:30 PM on Thursday, September 17. Attendees will be muted automatically except for the Call To Audience portions of the agenda, where members of the public may use the "raise hand" function within the Zoom meeting application, at which point they will be unmuted for up to 5 minutes of public comment per person.

The meeting packet is available below. The meeting will be recorded and posted following the meeting. Members of the public needing accommodation due to a disability should contact the library director, Eva Davis, at

August 20, 2020 – 7:30 PM

The Chairperson, Amy Watts, called the meeting to order at 7:31 PM.


Present:           N. Eggenberger, M. Farell, J. Lee, J. Pandit, A. Watts

Absent:            D. Turner

Also Present:  E. Davis, K. Gladden

CALL TO AUDIENCE   (L. Golden, M. Hathaway, A. Iqbal, D. McHugh, M. Nicholson, C. Swanberg, D. Skopczynski) – None



The agenda was accepted by unanimous consent.



The minutes were accepted by unanimous consent.





The curved piano window in the fireplace area of the library is tentatively scheduled to be replaced on August 27; this will be the final project under the library’s Phase I agreement with ENGIE Services.


The directors of both the West Bloomfield Township and Baldwin (Birmingham) libraries have announced their retirements.


Circulation Assistant Judy England will retire at the end of the month after 33 years, joining librarian Carol Kuchta (who is retiring at the end of September) and former Circulation Services Department Head Nancy Szczepanski, who retired in July.


As of July 31, the library was 58% through the fiscal year. The second State Aid to Libraries check was $7,000 more than budgeted; this will be recognized in the 3rd Quarter Budget Amendment. Penal fines have not been received yet; those libraries that have received theirs have reported widely varying amounts so there is no way to predict how much will eventually be received. Other items (photocopy fees, overdue fines, vending commissions, and meeting room rentals) are down as a result of the shutdown and will be adjusted in the 4th Quarter Budget Amendment.


Fringes are trending higher as a result of insurance and MERS pension payments made early in the year.


TRUSTEE COMMENTS — Vice-Chair Jasmine Lee asked why the library was using Zoom Pro for the board meeting, since a standard Zoom account was free. Director Eva Davis explained that the library had purchased Zoom Pro licenses for the Community Relations and Information Services departments and also one in the name of Information Technology Department Head Rudie Noble, which was the one used for board meetings. Zoom Pro offers additional functionality (no time limits, increased number of participants, ability for breakout rooms) not available with the free version. Secretary/Treasurer Michelle Farell stated that her Girl Scout troop had purchased Zoom Pro as well; Trustee Nancy Eggenberger said that most organizations had Zoom Pro. Chair Amy Watts added that the breakout room would be used to conduct Director Davis’ evaluation at the September meeting.





Update on Phased Reopening — MeL (Michigan eLibrary) interloans restarted August 10. Per Circulation Services Interim Department Head Denise Skopczynski, 624 requests for Canton Public Library materials were made during the period August 10-15; CPL patrons made 260 requests from other libraries during the same period. E. Davis expects that the numbers will even out as more libraries reopen.


Physical checkouts are approximately 20% of the normal number for this time of the year, due to the closure and the limits imposed on the number of holds allowed. The number of holds pickup slots will continue to increase.


Sunday hours will be reinstated on September 13. The department heads and managers continue to look at how to implement browsing, which will not happen before the end of September. Total capacity in the library building is 184 people, which includes staff, technology appointments, and potential browsers. Any plan would allow for a type of “grab and go” — patrons will not be able to linger; there will be no study room access, no seating, no unlimited computer access, etc.


Davis said that area libraries are all removing furniture and prohibiting lingering. The Plymouth District Library is requesting that patrons dash in and out but is not enforcing a time limit; patrons are only allowed on the main floor. Novi is using timers on a lanyard to alert patrons that their time is up; they are allowed to browse the entire building. Northville is seeing a low turnout, but their parking lot is under construction. Oakland County libraries are generally grab and go with limited browsing; one library hands out baskets to a limited number of incoming patrons, with no further entries allowed until  baskets are returned.


In the upcoming weeks, Business Services Department Head Marian Nicholson and HR Specialist Shipra Sharma will be reviewing with employees their options under the FFCRA (Families First Coronavirus Response Act), as well as updating Paylocity payroll codes to conform with the Act.


Proposed 2021 Budget & 2022-2023 Projections (2nd Draft) — The budget summary is now presented in GASB format, in accordance with the board preference expressed at the July meeting. Accountant Debbie McHugh had received notification that the library’s interest rate has been cut; as a result, anticipated interest income for 2021 has been adjusted downward. A Fund Balance transfer will be necessary to offset Capital Outlay.



2021 Schedule of Board Meetings and Library Closures (1st reading) — Davis pointed out that the June 24 meeting is the 4th Thursday of the month; she is anticipating that the Liberty Fest will be held in 2021, necessitating an early library closure on June 17 (which would normally be the board meeting date.) The Staff Inservice Day has been moved from Columbus Day to Veteran’s Day in 2021, as well.


Davis said that the 2020 staff inservice committee had decided to do some kind of asynchronous training and so a motion to remove the October 12 library closure date from the 2020 calendar would be brought to the board in September.





The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 PM.  

Call the Meeting to Order
• Call to Audience (5 min. maximum)
• Approval of Agenda
• Approval of General Meeting Minutes
Administrative Reports
• Communications
• Report of the Library Director
• Trustee Comments
Committee Reports
Unfinished Business & General Orders
• Update on Phased Reopening
• 2021 Budget — 2nd Draft & 2022-2023 projections
New Business
• 2021 Schedule of Board Meetings and Library Closures (1st reading)
Call to Audience (5 min. maximum)


Please note that the August meeting of the Canton Public Library Board will be held remotely, in accordance with the Governor's Executive Order 2020-154. Members of the public who wish to participate in this meeting may join the Zoom meeting at 7:30 PM on Thursday, August 20. Attendees will be muted automatically except for the Call To Audience portions of the agenda, where members of the public may use the "raise hand" function within the Zoom meeting application, at which point they will be unmuted for up to 5 minutes of public comment per person.

The meeting packet is available below. The meeting will be recorded and posted following the meeting. Members of the public needing accommodation due to a disability should contact the library director, Eva Davis, at

The Chairperson, Amy Watts, called the meeting to order at 7:32 PM.

Present:           N. Eggenberger, M. Farell, J. Lee, J. Pandit (joined at 7:36 PM), D. Turner, A. Watts

Absent:            None

Also Present:  E. Davis, K. Gladden

CALL TO AUDIENCE   (L. Golden, A. Iqbal, D. McHugh, M. Nicholson, R. Noble, J. Parij, C. Spas, C. Swanberg, N. Szczepanski) – None         


The agenda was accepted by unanimous consent.


Director Eva Davis requested that the minutes be amended to reflect that Trustee Nancy Eggenberger had been a “nay” vote on Motion 20/6-18-2.

N. Eggenberger moved and M. Farell supported a motion to accept the minutes as amended.


Yes: N. Eggenberger, M. Farell, J. Lee, D. Turner, A. Watts

No:  None

Abstain: None

The motion passed (5-0-0)



E. Davis offered congratulations to Information Services Librarian Carol Kuchta, who is retiring at the end of September, after a 38-year tenure with the library.

As of June 30, the library was halfway through the fiscal year. Many of the items trending high/low on the Profit and Loss statement would be reflected in the 2nd Quarter Budget Amendment. Others will be reconciled in the 3rd or 4th quarter amendments.

The second State Aid to Libraries payment was not received before the bank reconciliation, but will be reflected in the July report.

In reply to Secretary/Treasurer Michelle Farell’s question, Davis explained that Miscellaneous & Contributions is trending high due to: a summer reading program contribution from Vibe Credit Union; donations toward the upkeep of the Rebecca Havenstein-Coughlin Memorial Courtyard; a book purchase fund reimbursement, funded by an anonymous donor and administered by the Canton Community Foundation; and donations from the Friends for the READ berm and butterfly garden.




Computer use by appointment for the general public was launched on Monday, July 13. Six (6) filtered computers and one (1) unfiltered computer are available for 90-minute sessions (patrons may book back-to-back sessions if available). Thus far, the largest number booked during a session was five (5). It has been manageable and the administration will monitor the situation to see if adjustments need to be made.

Holds Pickup by Appointment continues to be a popular success. Staff is pulling 1,100-1,200 items per day for patron pickup requests; a “normal” day, pre-pandemic, would have been around 100.

A plan to make equipment (fax, scanner and copier) available to the public is under consideration.

The Administration has turned its attention also to planning for the fall and the possibility of browsing by appointment or limited browsing. Davis remains in touch with other area directors, some of whom have been swifter in their expansion of library services available to the public, and some of whom have been slower. She is looking at the myriad ways libraries are keeping track of building capacity for browsing, from timers to the honor system. Based on square footage, under current guidelines, the library can have 184 people total in the building, including employees. Based on the general staffing rate, that allows for around 140 patrons at a time.

Chair Amy Watts asked how the staff is responding to the phased reopening. Davis said that, while there was some initial concern over possible non-compliance and the staff’s ability to provide quality service to patrons while maintaining physical distancing, the burden has been somewhat relieved through training and the technology systems which have been put in place, along with the patrons’ genuine gratitude at the services being provided.

Watts also indicated her appreciation that the Information Services librarians are phoning the library’s homebound patrons to see how they are doing and to keep them informed of the latest library news, since many of them do not use email. The calls are getting a great response, according to Information Services Department Head Jessica Parij.


Proposed 2nd Quarter Budget Amendment — Some additional revenues came in higher than expected and would be recognized and reallocated across expenditure lines as detailed in the budget amendment summary and explanation created by Accountant Debbie McHugh. Davis pointed out that the amendment called for $100,000 to go into Reserve Contingency, which would roll over into the Fund Balance at year’s end.

Business Services Department Head Marian Nicholson told the board that approximately $17,000 additional would be needed for an unexpected repair to roof damage above the Community Room. The damaged portion is not part of the flat roof, replacement of which is included in the Capital Replacement Schedule for 2022. Since the cost to repair the damaged copper shroud is over $5,000 it cannot be paid for from Maintenance & Repairs.

M. Farell moved and N. Eggenberger supported a motion to approve the 2nd Quarter Budget Amendment as proposed.


Yes: N. Eggenberger, M. Farell, J. Lee, J. Pandit, D. Turner, A. Watts

No:  None

Abstain: None

The motion passed 20/7‑16-1 (6-0-0)

Proposed 2021 Budget & 2022-2023 Projections (1st Draft) — Davis thanked D. McHugh, M. Nicholson and the department heads for their work in creating a draft budget which encompassed all of the concerns that had been expressed by the board members over the preceding months.

She directed the board’s attention to two budget summary documents. One was in the format which the library has been using, and the other was that preferred by the auditors, Plante Moran. Davis asked that the board indicate its preference; the board agreed on adoption of the format which conforms to GASB standards.

Trustee Don Turner remarked that D. McHugh’s budget summary narrative made it very easy to understand. Davis said that a second draft budget, using the GASB format summary, would be brought back to the board for review in August.

CALL TO AUDIENCE – Circulation Services Department Head Nancy Szczepanski thanked the board for all of their support over the years; this was her last board meeting, as she is retiring as of July 31st.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:19 PM.  

  • Call the Meeting to Order
  • Call to Audience (5 min. maximum)
  • Approval of Agenda
  • Approval of General Meeting Minutes
  • Communications
  • Report of the Library Director
  • Trustee Comments
  • Unfinished Business & General Orders
    • Update on Phased Reopening
  • New Business
    • 2nd Quarter Budget Amendment
    • 2021 Budget — 1st Draft & 2022-2023 projections
  • Call to Audience (5 min. maximum)
  • Adjourn

Please note that the July meeting of the Canton Public Library Board will be held remotely, in accordance with the Governor's Executive Order 2020-75. Members of the public who wish to participate in this meeting may join the Zoom meeting at 7:30 PM on Thursday, July 16. Attendees will be muted automatically except for the Call To Audience portions of the agenda, where members of the public may use the "raise hand" function within the Zoom meeting application, at which point they will be unmuted for up to 5 minutes of public comment per person.

The meeting packet is available below. The meeting will be recorded and posted following the meeting. Members of the public needing accommodation due to a disability should contact the library director, Eva Davis, at


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