Online May Classes to Start

Our May classes from Gale Courses (previously Learn4Life) are going to start on Wednesday, the 21st. Sign up now to take advantage of our free, 6-week courses that range from personal development to how to start your own small business. Want to learn how to publish ebooks or design a website? You can find these classes too. All you need is your CPL card and a computer with Internet connection to start! 

Attention: Android hoopla Users

The recent Android updates have rendered hoopla audiobooks incompatible. Midwest Tape is working diligently to get a new version of the Android app to release. If you have encountered audiobooks not working on your Android devices, just know it is being worked on. Please keep your eyes peeled for the new release soon. And we apologize for the inconvenience.

Lifelong Learning Classes to Start

Want to learn new professional skills for your job? Pursue new hobbies in your spare time? Let CPL help you with your lifelong learning. Our Learn4Life online courses offer you a wide range of highly sought-after classes that you can take entirely online, totally free of charge. April classes begin on April 16 and continue for six weeks. All you need is a valid Canton Public Library Card and Internet access to start learning! 

Money Smart Classes

During this 2014 Money Smart Week or any other week, you can enroll in our free online classes to learn more about money. 6-week classes such as "Keys to Successful Money Management", "Personal Finance", and "Where does all my money go?" are scheduled to start on April 16. Many other classes in technology, professional skills, and self-improvement will be starting soon. You can find them in from our database listing. Take charge of your financial future by being better informed! Sign up for a class with your CPL card number.

Blackberry and OverDrive Media Console App

Effective April 10, 2014, the OverDrive Media Console (OMC)mobile app for BlackBerry will no longer be available to download onBlackBerry, BlackBerry 10, and Playbook devices. However, BlackBerry users with the app installed prior to April 10 willbe able to continue downloading eBooks and audiobooks via OMC. OverDrive has decided to discontinue further support of this particular app due to its lack of usage.

MorningStar Investment Help

MoneySmart2014Money Smart Week (April 5-14) is dedicated to bringing public awareness to personal finance. Do you know that we have the personal finance tool MorningStar Investment Research Center all year round for you? You can find reports and ratings on funds, stocks and more. In the Help & Education section you can learn the ins and outs of goal-based investing, strategies and solutions to help you for the long run. Be sure to include MorningStar in your long term money smart planning. CPL cardholders can access from home.

iOS7.1 and hoopla download

Apple has not remedied the issue of downloading hoopla music and audiobooks on iOS 7.1 devices. Hoopla has been able to stream audio contents on these devices, but has temporarily disabled the downloading function. Other iOS devices continue to operate as usual. Stay tuned for updates from hoopla’s development team on this issue.
