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Thorndyke Thoughts: The Ducks Get Quacking

Hey Kids,

You may have seen or heard the news that we have new eggs in our library nest. Mother ducks were spotted laying eggs in our Children's Department courtyard again, and if all goes well we look forward to welcoming baby ducks. While we wait for further action, might I suggest looking for a few ducky stories? Some recommendations - both fiction and nonfiction - are below. If you find one you especially enjoy, I bet the ducks in the courtyard (or me, the big friendly bear right next to them) might enjoy listening to you read it.

Bear hugs,


Ducklings by Marfe Ferguson Delano

Introduces wood ducks, describing their life cycle, physical characteristics, diet, and behaviors.

Watch me grow duckling by Lisa Magloff

Shows the duck as it grows up in its natural environment.

Little ducks by Anne Royer

Read about little ducks.

Jump, Little Wood Ducks by Stan (PHT) Marion Dane/ Tekiela Bauer

Follow mama duck as she nurtures her baby ducks through the day.

Just ducks! by Nicola Davies

A young girl shares her observations about the mallard ducks that live down on the river.

When Mama Duck's eggs hatch, revealing Feather, Flap, and Spike she feels like the luckiest duck in the pond.

Pigeon is very angry when the duckling gets a cookie just by asking politely.

Five little ducks by James Dean

Pete the Cat joins five little ducks as they play in the pond, on the swings, and in the rain.

5 little ducks by Denise Fleming

Each day, Papa Duck goes out with his ducklings but on Monday only four come back, on Tuesday only three, but on Saturday all return when he calls and on Sunday, they stay home and rest.

Little ducks go by Emily Arnold McCully

Mother Duck is on the run trying to keep her ducklings safe.

Make way for ducklings by Robert McCloskey

A family of mallard ducks searches for a new home in Boston.

Swim, duck, swim! by Susan Lurie

A photographic tale about Duckling the reluctant swimmer finds him resenting the pressure exerted by his patient Mama and Papa Duck, preferring to stay dry and take a nap before eventually deciding to join his siblings in the pond.

When Captain Alfred's boat is caught in an unexpected storm everything aboard the ship is flung to the far reaches of the sea except one little duckling and a fiddle that the the duckling embraces with all his heart.

Daredevil Duck by Charlie Alder

Although he is afraid of everything, Daredevil Duck dreams of being brave, and then one day, he is given a challenge that might help him prove he has courage.