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Suggested Historical Fiction for Kindergarten

Interested in reading a story that takes place in a different time period? Try checking out one of these historic tales. Books are suggested for Kindergarten, but remember that each reader is different, and might find something interesting at another level.

Busing Brewster by Richard Michelson

Bused across town to a school in a white neighborhood of Boston in 1974, a young African American boy named Brewster describes his first day in first grade. This book also includes historical notes on court-ordered busing.

Dancing with Katya by Dori Chaconas

In the late 1920s, Anna tries to help her younger sister Katya regain her strength and joy in life after she becomes crippled by polio.

Diana's White House garden by Elisa Lynn Carbone

The daughter of President Roosevelt's chief advisor, who wants to be part of the war effort, helps the president with his plan to encourage citizens to plant home gardens to grow much-needed food by starting the first White House victory garden.

In Venice, Italy, in the 1890s, a stray cat draws attention to a coffee shop in which he inspired composer Guiseppi Verdi, and as the feline's fame grows, the shop's owner entertains royalty, the Pope, and many others. Includes historical notes about the real Nini and his visitors.

Jackie's bat by Marybeth Lorbiecki

Joey, the batboy for the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947, learns a hard lesson about respect for people of different races after Jackie Robinson joins the team.

Enjoy a humorous look at five of our country's founding fathers.

Papa and the pioneer quilt by Jean Van Leeuwen

As her family travels by wagon train to Oregon, a young girl gathers scraps of cloth so that she can make a quilt.

In 1931, a boy and his father watch as the world's tallest building, the Empire State Building, is constructed, step-by-step, near their Manhattan home.

Train to Somewhere by Eve Bunting

In the late 1800s, Marianne travels westward on the Orphan Train in hopes of being placed with a caring family.

In this wordless picture book, a young Southern farm girl discovers a runaway slave hiding behind the corn crib in the barn and decides to help him.