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Books For Babies - Faces

Babies love looking at faces! In fact, they are hardwired to recognize faces, helping them to connect with their caregivers early on. Want to give your little one some more faces to gaze at? Here are some great titles he or she will love.

Baby faces by Margaret Miller

What's on my head? by Margaret Miller

Mrs. Mustard's baby faces by Jane Wattenberg

Baby! Baby! by Vicky Ceelen

My face book

Reach by Elizabeth Verdick & Marjorie Lisovskis

American babies

I love colors by Margaret Miller

Baby colors by Rachael Hale

Global babies by [text by the Global Fund for Children ; photographs, Keren Su ... [et al.]]

Good night, baby! by [photography by Mike Good and Steve Shott]

Y ahora, qué pasará = What happens next? by [by Cheryl Christian ; photographs by Laura Dwight ; translated by María A. Fiol] = Y ahora, qué pasará? / [por Cheryl Christian ; fotografías por Laura Dwight ; traducido por María A. Fiol]

Eat! by Roberta Grobel Intrater