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Books For Babies - Colors

Infants generally have good color vision by five months of age.  They especially like bright shades of red, yellow and blue. 

Try these titles to give your baby some color stimulation and enhance their visual perception:

Are you eating something red? by [by Harriet Ziefert ; illustrated by] Ryan Sias

Circles by Yusuke Yonezu

Red pepper, yellow squash: a book of colors by concept by Rebecca Bondor

Zoom: a fast-paced book of colors by text by John Litton ; illustrations by Fhiona Galloway

Pantone: box of color: red by concept by Huy Voun Lee

I love colors by Margaret Miller

Spot the animals: a lift-the-flap book of colors by American Museum of Natural History ; illustrated by Steve Jenkins

Baby's colors by [Karen Katz]

Color zoo by Lois Ehlert