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Beach Picture Books

There's still plenty of time to hit the beach this summer. Here are some great picture books full of beachy fun to read before you go.

A beach tail by Karen Lynn Williams ; illustrated by Floyd Cooper

The boy on the beach by story and pictures by Niki Daly

Mermaids Parade by Melanie Hope Greenberg

Beach by Elisha Cooper

The Berenstain Bears go on vacation by Stan & Jan Berenstain ; with Mike Berenstain

Curious George goes to the beach by illustrated in the style of H.A. Rey by Vipah Interactive

Flotsam by David Wiesner

I saw the sea and the sea saw me by Megan Montague Cash

Miranda's beach day by Holly Keller

Paddington at the beach by Michael Bond ; illustrated by R.W. Alley

Rita and Whatsit at the beach by Jean-Philippe Arrou- Vignod ; illustrated by Olivier Tallec