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Baby Games

Help your infant develop brain power and have fun by trying out some new games during playtime. Below are some suggested books filled with ideas for baby and caregiver play. You can find these titles in the Parenting section in the Children's Department.

Baby minds: brain-building games your baby will love by Linda Acredolo, Ph.D. and Susan Goodwyn, Ph.D

Baby play by general editors Wendy S. Masi, Roni Cohen Leiderman

Baby days: activities, ideas, and games for enjoying daily life with a child under three by Barbara Rowley

Your child at play. Birth to one year: discovering the senses and learning about the world by Marilyn Segal; foreword by Wendy Masi

365 days of baby love: playing, growing and exploring with babies from birth to age 2 by Sheila Ellison and Susan Ferdinandi

The parent's guide to play by consulting editors, Wendy S. Masi, Roni Cohen Leiderman

Toddler play by general editor, Wendy S. Masi; foreword by Anthony D. Pellegrini

Baby play & learn by Penny Warner