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On April 15th, 1912, RMS Titanic sank after striking an iceberg during its maiden voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. Curious about the history of Titanic? Check out some nonfiction titles like the following:

882 1/2 amazing answers to your questions about the Titanic by Hugh Brewster and Laurie Coulter

Story of the Titanic by Steve Noon; illustrated by Eric Kentley

The Titanic: an interactive history adventure by Bob Temple

If it's fiction about Titanic that you seek, you'll find picture books, readers, and chapter books. Here are a few fiction choices to peruse.

Pig on the Titanic: a true story! by Gary Crew; pictures by Bruce Whatley

The sinking of the Titanic, 1912 by Lauren Tarshis; illustrated by Scott Dawson

Survivors: the night the Titanic sank by written by Caryn Jenner