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Baby Sign Language

Many parents teach signs to their young children before they are able to speak. If you'd like to try signing with your baby, we have materials that can help you get started. Below are some suggested books and DVDs that can be found in the Parenting section in the Children's Department.

Baby sign language basics: early communication for hearing babies and toddlers by Monta Z. Briant

Baby signing: how to talk with your baby in American sign language by Andrea Fixell and Ted Stafford

Baby sign language for hearing babies by Karyn Warburton

Baby talk: a guide to using basic sign language to communicate with your baby by Monica Beyer; with a foreword by Alan Greene

My baby can talk. Sharing signs [videodisc] by Baby Hands Productions

My baby can talk. First signs [videodisc] by Baby Hands Productions.

Baby signs [videodisc]: my bath time signs by developed by Linda Acredolo, Susan Goodwyn

Baby signs [videodisc]: my bedtime signs by developed by Linda Acredolo, Susan Goodwyn