Belly Dancing

Belly Dance is a beautiful dance form which draws on dances from around the Middle East. In the Middle East, the term for this dance form is "raqs sharqi" in Arabic and "Oryantal Dans" in Turkish. The correct translation into English for both of these terms is "dance of the East", or "Oriental dance". Come join us for a Belly Dance workshop that we are offering as part of our multicultural fitness initiative. Our instructor Pauline Costianes/Ghalia is an experienced artist, choreographer and instructor. The program will be in our Community Room on Saturday, February 18th at 2:00 PM. No registration required.

Michigan Fall Colors

It's that time of year when 19 million acres of woods slowly explode in a frenzy of color. It's when an entire state is in its annual blaze of glory. It's when autumn arrives in Michigan. And there's no better place to see the dynamic colors of a trillion trees aflame than along our highways, country roads and coastlines. So let's head out to the forests. And let's prepare to be amazed, on the fall color tours of Pure Michigan.

Vegetarian Month

October is designated "Vegetarian Month" to spotlight and better understand a vegetarian lifestyle. This educational event advances awareness of the many surprising, ethical, environmental, economic, health, humanitarian and other benefits of the increasingly popular vegetarian lifestyle. Who is a vegetarian? Who is a vegan? A vegetarian chooses to eat no animal products, fish or fowl. A vegan does not consume any animal products, fish, fowl, dairy or eggs. To learn more about the pros and cons of being a vegetarian you can go to the website of the Vegetarian Society. You can get great tasting vegan and vegetarian recipes at

Wildlife & Nature Travel Program

WANT Expeditions is a leader in highly personalized, conservation-oriented small group travel; connecting travelers, adventurers, photographers and conservationists from all over the world through expeditions to see the most amazing natural phenomena that exists on our planet.

For outdoor and nature enthusiasts this group is presenting a memorable program on travelling to Costa Rica. From oceans, to rainforests, to hillsides covered in coffee, Costa Rica offers a little bit of paradise for everyone.

Join us Thursday, September 15th at 7:00 PM in the Community Room.

Ramadan 2011

For more than a billion Muslims around the world, including some 8 million in North America, Ramadan is a month of fasting, marked by prayer, fasting and charity. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Because the lunar calendar is about 11 days shorter than the solar calendar used elsewhere, Islamic holidays move each year. This year Ramadan began at sundown on August 1st.
On this occasion we send our greetings to all Muslims worldwide and special Ramadan Kareem to Muslims in North America.

International Cook-off and Demo

Note: This event has been canceled.

Do you make Grandma's pierogi recipe or Aunt Maria's spaghetti sauce? Cook up your cultural specialties and enter our international cooking contest. Bring your dish and 10 copies of the recipe to share. Here is a cool way to sample other dishes and win prizes too. Prizes will be awarded based on audience voting. Also watch an Indian cooking demonstration and sampling. Join us on August 9th at 7:00 PM in the Community Room.

World Literature for Adults


Aesop's fables by retold in verse by Tom Paxton; illustrated by Robert Rayevsky

Pride and prejudice by Jane Austen; edited with notes by Vivien Jones

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte; with an introduction by Joyce Carol Oates

The good earth by Pearl S. Buck; introduced and edited by Peter Conn

A tale of two cities by Charles Dickens

Crime and punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky; translated by Constance Garnett

Traveling our National Parks with AAA

Be an armchair traveler and visit the National Parks with the help of David Moorman travel specialist of AAA of Michigan. The presentation Traveling our National Parks is scheduled for Thursday, June 9th at 7:00PM in our Community Room. Almost everyone's fondest memories growing up are of summer vacations the family took together. For outdoor enthusiasts, the National Parks encompass stunning stretches of scenery and perfect mountains for hiking and miles and miles of spectacular terrain. Whether you want expert advise on the Big Meadows of Shenandoah National Park or take in the peaks of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park, the presentation Traveling our National Parks is for you. Apart from being informative and fun, you will also have a chance to win two free tickets to Cedar Point or a car safety kit which will be given away at the presentation.


Discover the fascinating world of Mexico. There are several hidden treasures just waiting to be explored. Ancient Aztec pyramids, authentic foods and fantastic shopping. Whether you're looking to visit past civilizations or simply lay on the beach and work on your golf game… Mexico can accommodate. Also while you are at the library check out the colorful Mexican display in the East display cabinet in honor of Cinco de Mayo.
