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Five Titles That Will Get You Hooked on Our DVD TV Series Collection

Watching a television series on DVD is a great way to catch a TV show you may have missed out on. Plus, you get the added convenience of being able to watch as much or as little as you want — without any commercial interruptions! Here are some recommended titles to get you started:

Deadwood — The life and times of a group of men and women who set up camp in Deadwood, South Dakota during the gold rush of 1876

Veronica Mars — Follows Veronica Mars, an apprentice private investigator, as she solves the town of Neptune's toughest mysteries

Lark Rise to Candleford — When young Laura Timmins leaves Lark Rise for a job at the Candleford post office, she discovers an eye-opening, exciting new world.

Gilmore girls — Explores the relationship between Lorelai Gilmore, thirty-two-year-old single mother and manager of a historic inn, and her teenage daughter and best friend, Lorelai "Rory" Gilmore in the fictitious Connecticut town of Stars Hollow.

Samantha who? — A corporate executive wakes up from an eight-day coma with no memories of her past.