Futuristic Fiction...or, If You Liked The Hunger Games

So you've finished the Hunger Games, and you're looking for more tales of grim future days? Look no further...

Brave new world by Aldous Huxley

The stand by Stephen King

A canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller, Jr

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

The handmaid's tale by Margaret Atwood

The maze runner by James Dashner

Meta-Geek: Fiction Soaked in Geek Culture

Do you geek out about technology, fantasy and science fiction? Each of these books features a healthy dose of nerd-culture reference and hidden humor for readers in-the-know.

Ready player one by Ernest Cline

Geektastic: stories from the nerd herd by edited by Holly Black and Cecil Castellucci

The magicians: a novel by Lev Grossman (If you like this, be sure to catch the sequel - The Magician King)

Soon I will be invincible by Austin Grossman

The brief wondrous life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz

Superheroes Hit the Big Screen

Comic Book Superheroes have hit Hollywood in a big way! Check out these action-packed films full of our favorite heroes.

Marvel's the Avengers [videodisc] by Marvel Studios presents in association with Paramount Pictures, a Marvel Studios production ; written and directed by Joss Whedon

Superman returns [videodisc] by Warner Bros. Pictures presents in association with Legendary Pictures in association with Bad Hat Harry

Thor [videodisc)] by Paramount Pictures and Marvel Entertainment present ; a Marvel Studios production

The amazing Spider-Man [videodisc] by produced by Avi Arad, Laura Ziskin, Matt Tolmach ; screenplay by James Vanderbilt, Alvin Sargent, Steve Kloves ; directed by Marc Webb

Captain America. The first avenger [videodisc] by Paramount Pictures and Marvel Entertainment present ; a Marvel Studios production

Cool Cult Classics for Hot Summer Nights

Cult classics: the good, the so-bad-they're-good, and the ugly-but-still-pretty-good. They are the films that inspire a dedicated following, line-quoting, group viewings and many a Halloween costume. They may not have done that well at the box office, but they're survived the ages with their special cult status.

Have you seen these cult classics? If not, beat the heat with a viewing of some of these unconventionally cool movies.

The princess bride [videodisc] by [presented by] Act III Communications [Buttercup Films Ltd., The Princess Bride Ltd.]

Office space [videodisc] by Twentieth Century Fox presents a Mike Judge film

The Rocky Horror picture show [videodisc] by Twentieth Century Fox presents a Michael White-Lou Adler production

Labyrinth [videodisc] by the Jim Henson Company and Lucasfilm Ltd. presents a Jim Henson film

From Book to Graphic Novel

Are you looking to re-read some of the classics, or want some more time with your favorite characters? Try out a book that started as a novel and was adapted in graphic novel form!

Fahrenheit 451: the authorized adaptation by Tim Hamilton ; introduction by Ray Bradbury

A game of thrones: the graphic novel, volume 1 by George R.R. Martin ; adapted by Daniel Abraham ; art by Tommy Patterson ; colors by Ivan Nunes ; lettering by Marshall Dillon

Pride and prejudice and zombies: the graphic novel by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith ; adapted by Tony Lee ; illustrated by Cliff Richards
