
Vegetarian Eating Program

Learn about the benefits of vegetarian eating from Paul Krause, VP of VegMichigan on Monday, April 18, 7:00-8:30PM in his presentation Vegetarian Eating. Paul will talk about how to promote health, peace and the planet through a plant-based diet. Also (newly added to the program!) Susan Kline, author of "From the Earth with Love" will discuss transitioning to a vegetarian lifestyle. There is no registration required for this adult program.

Did you Know March is National Nutrition Month?

There are multiple benefits to good nutrition. Good nutrition is essential for the maintenance and health of you and your body. It is known that good nutrition can provide mental health relief, promote sleep, and increases energy. Good nutrition also provides the body with the nutrients it needs to fight of disease and germs. Great books to help you enjoy a healthy lifestyle are:

The low GI diet revolution: the definitive science-based weight loss plan by Jennie Brand-Miller, Kaye Foster-Powell

The complete idiot's guide glycemic index cookbook by Lucy Beale and Joan Clark-Warner


Looking to get out of the rat race? Striving for less? Check out these books for great minimalist tips:

Philosophy of Simplicity

Enough already!: clearing mental clutter to become the best you by Peter Walsh

Simplexity: why simple things become complex (and how complex things can be made simple) by Jeffrey Kluger

Practice random acts of kindness: bring more peace, love, and compassion into the world by the editors of Random Acts of Kindness; foreword by Harold Kushner; preface to the new edition by Will Glennon

Give it up: my year of learning to live better with less by Mary Carlomagno

Appetite for Reduction

Appetite for reduction: 125 fast & filling low-fat vegan recipes by Isa Chandra Moskowitz — Are you trying to lose weight? Looking for a healthy way to do so? Don't be put off by the word 'vegan' in the title here — you don't have to adopt a fully vegan lifestyle to take advantage of some of the benefits. Even eating vegan now and then can help you to reduce your weight and improve your health. This book contains tips, recipes, and more info about eating vegan and eating healthy.

Grow your own nutrition

Did you know that there are many really easy to grow veggies that are super-nutritious? Some of them are even extremely tasty, like the sweet peas (from my garden) pictured here. You may find yourself eating them right off the vine! Check out this Top Ten list and start planning your garden for this summer.

Homegrown vegetables, fruits, and herbs: a bountiful, healthful garden for lean times by Jim Wilson; photography by Walter Chandoha

The complete book of vegetables: the ultimate guide of growing, cooking and eating vegetables by Matthew Biggs

Perennial vegetables: from artichoke to zuiki taro, a gardener's guide to over 100 delicious, easy-to-grow edibles by Eric Toensmeir

Vitamins, Minerals and Older Adults

As Canton Township's 100 Days of Health initiative continues, consider the needs of older family members. Research has discovered that as we age, our diets and our need for dietary supplements become greater. Doctors are increasingly concerned about boosting the levels of vitamins and minerals that we need as we grow older. Loss of appetite may account for a vitamin/mineral deficiency in older adults.

Living Book Night

Check out one of our Living Books on February 22. Registration begins on February 8 at which time you can register for a half hour visit (for either the 7:00-7:30PM, 7:30-8:00PM or 8:00-8:30PM time slot) with one of our real, living books! You can register for up to three books as long as the time slots are different. Click on the links below for a live preview:


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