April is National Stress Awareness Month

A little bit of stress is not bad at all. It helps you to keep your focus on work and perform better. Problems arise when you are unable to keep stress level under your control. Too much stress will affect your performance as a professional. It may ruin your personal relationships. Above all, it will take a toll on your health. To avoid any such consequences, coping with stress at work or home is very important. The first step in managing stress is identifying it, then understanding and managing it.

The myth of stress : where stress really comes from and how to live a happier and healthier life by Andrew Bernstein — covers where stress really comes from and how to live a happier and healthier life.

Stress relief yoga [videodisc] by with Suzanne Deason

Did you Know March is National Nutrition Month?

There are multiple benefits to good nutrition. Good nutrition is essential for the maintenance and health of you and your body. It is known that good nutrition can provide mental health relief, promote sleep, and increases energy. Good nutrition also provides the body with the nutrients it needs to fight of disease and germs. Great books to help you enjoy a healthy lifestyle are:

The low GI diet revolution: the definitive science-based weight loss plan by Jennie Brand-Miller, Kaye Foster-Powell

The complete idiot's guide glycemic index cookbook by Lucy Beale and Joan Clark-Warner