internet safety

Internet Safety for Kids- Videos, Games and More!

Net Smartz Kids offers a fun place for kids to explore the importance of safety on the net. This wesbsite is sponsored by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children to inform kids how to be a good cyber citizen and avoid trouble while accessing the internet. Check it out here

Savvy Seniors February 2013

According to a September 2012 study by Pew Internet of older adults who are online, 50% of adults ages 50-64 report being active on a social networking site. An even more substantial increase in social media use this year were older adults ages 65 and older, which reported being active on sites like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. More so than in 2011, 34% of seniors are now using social networking sites which was up from 26% in 2010.

Computers for seniors for dummie [Large print] by Nancy Muir

Using the internet safely for seniors for dummies [Large print] by Linda Criddle and Nancy Muir

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