health at every size

Inspired by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch's work on Intuitive Eating in 1995, and based on the Health at Every Size movement, a slew of new and older titles are available that argue that the best way to be on a diet is to be on no diet at all. These books state that dieting, particularly fad dieting, can cause more emotional, mental, and physical damage that it's worth, and they advocate for gentle nutrition and a return to one's instincts in the kitchen. Many of these authors are also podcasters, many of which overlap or interview each other

Creator of the Food Psych podcast, Christy Harrison writes about Intuitive Eating and the ways diets act as a "life thief." 

Intuitive eating [electronic resource] by Elyse Resch, Evelyn Tribole
Also available in: e-audiobook

The original Intuitive Eating book on which many others are based. 

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