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Be Well: Yoga

Yoga girl by Rachel Brathen

Yoga for dummies by Larry Payne, PhD, and Georg Feuerstein, PhD ; foreword by Felicia Tomasko, RN, editor in chief, LA YOGA Ayurveda and Health Magazine

Yoga for warriors: basic training in strength, resilience, & peace of mind by Beryl Bender Birch

Gentle yoga arthritis by featuring contributions by Laurie Sanford and Nancy Forstbauer

Flat belly yoga!: the 4-week plan to strengthen your core: no crunches required by Kimberly Fowler with the editors of Prevention

Heartbreak yoga: learning to survive and thrive through yoga, meditation, and laughter by Amy V. Dewhurst ; foreword by Sara Ivanhoe

The complete guide to Yoga: the essential yoga manual for all the family with 800 step-by-step practical photographs by Judy Smith, Doriel Hall and Bel Gibbs

Yoga sparks: 108 easy practices for stress relief in a minute or less by Carol Krucoff, E-RYT

Essential yoga by Sarah Herrington

Yoga for a healthy lower back: a practical guide to developing strength and relieving pain by Liz Owen and Holly Lebowitz Rossi

The power of ashtanga yoga: developing a practice that will bring you strength, flexibility, and inner peace by Kino MacGregor