
10 Tips to Help Seniors Enjoy the Holidays

For many older adults the holidays can be highly stressful, confusing, or even depressing if their mental, physical and emotional needs are not taken into account. Senior Living offers 10 Tips to Help Seniors Enjoy the Holidays and make the holidays more joyful for the whole family.

Murder Will Out: Mystery Movie Night

On Tuesday, November 29 TNT introduces Mystery Movie Night with six films based on the works of Scott Turow (11/29), Sandra Brown (11/30), Lisa Gardner (12/6), Richard North Patterson (12/7), April Smith (12/13), and Mary Higgins Clark & Carol Higgins Clark (12/20). Three additional films will be announced in 2012.

Innocent by Scott Turow

Ricochet by Sandra Brown

Hide by Lisa Gardner

Silent witness by Richard North Patterson

Underrated Christmas Movies

These five movies are, in my opinion, some of the most overlooked and underrated Christmas movies of all time.  Give them a shot this holiday season, and escape the films you've already seen hundreds and hundreds of times.

The Muppet Christmas carol — There have been plenty of Muppet movies, and even more versions of Dickens' Christmas Carol, but Michael Caine's Scrooge makes this my favorite movie in both categories.

Die hard — An often overlooked fact about Die Hard: it takes place during a Christmas Eve holiday party in Los Angeles. Maybe the lack of snow is what makes people forget this?

Jingle all the way — Yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sinbad are the stars of this film. But it's still a fun, mad-cap adventure about the lengths one man will go to get the season's "It" toy.

Santa Claus the movie — John Lithgow chews the scenery as a villainous toy baron in this oft-forgotten film about Santa's origins and a plot against Christmas.

Christmas Traditions, Why Are They?

Who made the first Nativity Scene? What is the symbolic meaning of the candy cane, the holly leaf or the Christmas tree? How did the legend of Santa Claus begin and why is kissing associated with mistletoe? Answers to these and other legends may be found at this website link.

To check out information on Christmas customs, crafts, recipes, movies, music, stories, legends, (or more), check out these sources in our library to enhance your enjoyment of this beautiful season!


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