

Join us for game of Mancala! This popular and challenging board game has been played from ancient times throughout Africa to today in the USA. Patrons will have the chance to learn to play on February 20, 11:00 AM-1:00 PM. All playing materials will be provided.


For more information on the game, including its origins and rules, visit this page.

Unleash your creativity when you envision unusual animal combinations at Animal Mash-Up on Saturday, February 20, 2:00-3:00 PM.  In the spirit of Wallace Edwards' Unnatural Selections, we'll create drawings/collages that combine multiple animals in new forms, like a rhino with butterfly wings or a rabbit with a t-rex head.  Plus, we'll learn about real-world critters that feature unusual sets of physical features.  This program is for ages 5-12 and registration is required, beginning January 26.

WrestleMania Reading Challenge image

First Book and WWE invite you to take the WrestleMania Reading Challenge! Read 15 minutes or more every day for a chance to win a trip to WrestleMania!  Each day that you read for at least 15 minutes, you can fill out an online entry form.  The more entries you complete between now and Friday, February 19, 2016, the more chances you have to win!

Lawrence Tech is hosting an exhibit, "Literary Masterpieces: Sacred and Secular" from January 12-28, 2016.   This includes approximately 25 rare books and manuscripts from the Remnant Trust Collection, headquartered at Texas Tech University.  This exhibition is a diverse representation of texts focusing on the quest for human freedom and dignity.   See examples of such titles as the Magna Carta (1576 printing), major religious texts, Machiavelli's The Prince, or Gallileo's Della Scienza Mechanica.  Visitors are invited to examine and touch these masterworks, and a docent will be present to discuss the significance of each item.  In addition to the public hours noted in the attachment, there are several panel discussions scheduled that highlight the thoughts of local scholars, and these are also open to the public. 


The exhibit will be in the Lawrence Tech University Gallery in the UTLC, located off the Ten Mile Rd. entrance, west of Evergreen and the M-10 Lodge Freeway (Northwestern Highway).  There is free parking on the campus.  


For further information or more detailed directions, contact the Library at 248-204-3000 or email   There is no charge for any of these events.


Canton Club 55+ is once more offering AARP Sponsored tax preparation assistance at The Summit/Canton Senior Center.  Registration begins Tuesday, January 5, 2016.  Call 734-394-5485 between 9:00AM - 4:00PM to make your appointment (this service available February 2, 2016 - April 12, 2016).  All joint tax return appointments must be an AM appointment.  No exceptions.

Calling all cyber-sleuths!  Develop your detective skills at Web Detectives on Wednesday, February 17, 2:00-3:00 PM, in the Community Room.  You'll learn how to evaluate web sites and determine if the information they provide is reliable.  This program is for ages 9-12 and registration is required.

Macbook Pro Keyboard by Wee Keat Chin (CC BY 2.0) (modified with magnifying glass)

DiceRoll up some fun with kid-friendly Dungeons & Dragons Gaming. This monthly program takes place the fourth Monday of every month. Have fun using your imagination while also working on building problem-solving skills, practicing mathematics and chart-reading, and learning new vocabulary. The next session is February 22, 4:30-5:30 PM. All playing materials will be provided, but feel free to bring your own dice. This program is suggested for ages 9-12, and no registration is required.

Photo Dungeons & Dragons by River Siren (CC BY-SA 2.0)

We're happy to announce the start of the Children's Department remodeling project in January 2016.  Due to our limited meeting space during this time, instead of meeting on a monthly basis we’ll be emailing our list when volunteer opportunities arise. You can sign-up on a first-come, first-served basis for those hands on events from January through May 2016. We’ll update the monthly calendar when regular meetings will begin again. 

 If you would like to be added to our email list, submit your information to the librarians or by using our online form, located in the volunteer section on our website.

We truly appreciate the great assistance from our tween volunteers, and want to direct you to other volunteer opportunities in the area. Some great resources in your search are:


PB&J Club:

Open Door Ministry Food Pantry takes volunteers of all ages on a weekly basis on Thursday evenings:

For other opportunities, the city maintains a list of local volunteer opportunities at


Please contact me, Michelle, or Amelia at (734) 397-0999 with any questions.




Dungeons & Dragons Gaming Club in January

DiceRoll up some fun with kid-friendly Dungeons & Dragons Gaming. This monthly program takes place the fourth Monday of every month. Have fun using your imagination while also working on building problem-solving skills, practicing mathematics and chart-reading, and learning new vocabulary. The next session is January 25, 4:30-5:30 PM. All playing materials will be provided, but feel free to bring your own dice. This program is suggested for ages 9-12, and no registration is required.

Photo Dungeons & Dragons by River Siren (CC BY-SA 2.0)


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