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Superhero Books

Grounded by written by Sholly Fisch ; illustrated by John Delaney, Dave Cooper, and David Tanguay ; Batman created by Bob Kane

No place like home by written by Sholly Fisch ; based on the comic-book story by Hillary J. Bader ; illustrated by John Delaney and Dave Cooper

The one-man justice league by writer, Brian Augustyn ; illustrator, Craig Rousseau ; colorist, Andy Mangrum

Friends til the end! by adapted by Steve Murphy based on the original teleplay "Fallen Angel" by Marty Isenberg ; illustrated by Bob Ostrom

Batman : the Mad Hatter by written by Brian Augustyn ; illustrated by Rick Burchett

Batman : the copycat crime by written by Devin Grayson ; illustrated by John Byrne ; Batman created by Bob Kane

Batman's dark secret by Kelley Puckett ; illustrated by Jon J. Muth

In darkest night by Michael Jan Friedman ; based on a story idea by Rich Fogel

A league of his own by Michael Jan Friedman

The gauntlet by Louise Simonson ; based on a story idea by Rich Fogel

A golden opportunity by Michael Teitelbaum ; based on a story idea by Rich Fogel

Red justice by Michael Teitelbaum ; based on a story idea by Keith Damron

How to draw Spider-Man by pencils by Alex Saviuk ; inks by Bob McLeod ; text by Steve Behling ; color by Bongotone

Spider-Man's amazing powers by written by James Buckley, Jr

The story of Spider-Man by written by Michael Teitelbaum

The story of the Incredible Hulk by written by Michael Teitelbaum

The Marvel universe roleplaying game. Guide to the X-men