What Happened with Cyberpunk 2077?

How did Cyberpunk 2077 go from the most anticipated game of 2020 to the hot mess gamers received? Since Cyberpunk 2077's release on December 10th, the gaming community has experienced a much different game than promised from CD Projekt Red. Gamers are reporting several bugs, game crashes, and even being unplayable on base consoles. Epileptic gamers have reported seizure triggering gameplay as well. On December 14th, CD Projekt Red apologizes on Twitter and recommends unhappy players seek a refund from where they purchased the game. 


So what happened? CD Projekt Red kept promises high through trailers and official gameplay footage while keeping console footage hidden. The game was delayed 3 times this year even though CD Projekt Red claimed the game was playable. Reviewers only received a PC copy of Cyberpunk 2077 to review after signing a non-disclosure agreement not to show gameplay footage. This resulted in high reviews from gaming journalists including IGN. Hopes were high when players opened their brand new game, only to be disappointed with an unfinished project. 


What has been your experience playing Cyberpunk 2077? Do you think CD Projekt Red should have delayed the game again? Try out the game yourself by checking out one of our copies below.