Thorndyke's Thoughts on the Library Closure

Bear in red shirt talks to fish in tank

Hey Kids,

Thorndyke here. This is a really long library closure, and I am missing all of your faces. You’ll be glad to know that I’m healthy, practicing safe hand washing, and keeping myself at least 6 feet away from others at all times. Of course, right now that’s only the fish.

Things are a little strange right now, that’s for sure. And maybe you’re worried. I am, too. I felt a little better after talking my worries over with my fish friends, and after I learned more about what is happening. I found a comic by Elise Gravel, one of my favorite authors, that explains it a little. And I found another comic illustrated by Malaka Gharib that explains it a little bit more. Learning about the virus that is causing so many worries helped me a lot.

Stay safe kids. I miss seeing you, and will be so happy to see you all again.

Bear Hugs,