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Thorndyke Thoughts: Flag Day

Hey Kids,

It’s Flag Day today, just in time to get everyone in a patriotic mood for Independence Day. On this day in 1777 the Second Continental Congress picked a flag for the brand-new country. I’ve included some helpful resources below in honor of Flag Day. Use them to earn a badge for Connect Your Summer, perhaps the Keep It Real badge for nonfiction, or Explore History, or even Be Creative if you read about Betsy Ross or Francis Scott Key. Listen to patriotic music to earn an eLectrified badge. If you have any questions about our Connect Your Summer program, please see any of our wonderful library staff members.

Bear Hugs,



Flag day by Robert Walker

Describes the holiday of Flag Day that occurs on June 14th every year to celebrate the creation of the United States flag.

The American flag by Debra Hess
You're a grand old flag by George M. Cohan

An illustrated version of the song honoring the American flag.

Who was Betsy Ross? by James Buckley

Born the eighth of seventeen children in Philadelphia, Betsy Ross lived in a time when the American colonies were yearning for independence from British rule. Ross worked as a seamstress and was eager to contribute to the cause, making tents and repairing uniforms when the colonies declared war. By 1779 she was filling cartridges for the Continental Army. Did she sew the first flag? That's up for debate, but "Who Was Betsy Ross?" tells the story of a fierce patriot who certainly helped create the flag of a new nation.

Describes the life of the lawyer and poet, Francis Scott Key, best known for writing the poem "The Star-Spangled Banner" in 1814.

Music and Media

Join Francis Scott Key on the choppy waters of the Chesapeake Bay in this stunning iconographic video that will transport you to one of the most important days in U.S. history. This video tells the story of the creation of the American National Anthem. Includes patriotic songs performed by acclaimed singer/songwriter Jo Dee Messina.