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Suggested Biographies for Sixth Grade


Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. Explore these fascinating stories about real people. Books are suggested for Sixth Grade, but remember that each Reader is different, and might find something interesting at another level.

In this graphic novel-style biography, discover how Annie Sullivan, who was visually impaired herself, bridged the seemingly insurmountable communication gulf for the deaf and blind Helen Keller. The dynamic interplay between words and images conveys how someone could learn to communicate without access to either.

Also available in: audiobook

Sonia's dream of becoming an actress keeps her afloat among the turbulence of her life and times. Spiced with culture, heartache, and humor, this memoir paints a lasting portrait of a girl's resilience as she grows up to become an inspiration to millions - Maria from Sesame Street.

Discover the story of the Canadian woman who disguised herself as a man and slipped behind Confederate lines to spy for the Union army.

This account of the first fourteen years of the author's life is told in poems, from her time spent between her mother's native Cuba and her home in Los Angeles, until the revolution in Cuba dramatically alters relations between the two countries she loves.

Trace three generations of the famous Wyeth art family and gain insight into the events that shaped their achievements in a volume complemented by reproductions of their most famous masterpieces.

Gain insight into the life of Juliette Low, the woman behind the creation of Girl Scouts, including the events that impacted her vision, the controversy surrounding her methods, and the diverse group of individuals she welcomed.

This middle-grade biography tells the life story of Clarence Birdseye, the man who revolutionized the frozen food industry, and is adapted from Mark Kurlansky's adult work Birdseye: The Adventures of a Curious Man.

Illustrator James McMullan discusses how his early childhood in China and his wartime journeys with his mother influenced his life and career.

Learn about the project undertaken by historians, scientists, and artisans at Mount Vernon in 2005 to create accurate images of George Washington as he looked as a nineteen-year-old surveyor in the American wilderness, a forty-five-year-old general of the Continental Army, and the first president of the United States at fifty-seven. Want more George W.?  Try George Washington, Spymaster.