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Suggested Biographies for Second Grade


Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. Explore these fascinating stories about real people. Books are suggested for Second Grade, but remember that each Reader is different, and might find something interesting at another level.

This introduction to the life and contributions of Nikola Tesla covers his innovations in the field of alternating current and his role in the development of such inventions as remote controls, fluorescent lights, and cell phones.

Discover the life and work of the twentieth-century American writer, including his fascination with words from a young age and his poetry's inspirational properties.

This tribute to the Irish-born musician and Civil War bandleader behind the 1869 National Peace Jubilee describes the innovative ideas and extensive repertoire that rendered his celebration history's loudest and most exuberant concert.

This illustrated portrait of astronomer Henrietta Swan Leavitt traces the years she spent measuring stars from her position at the Harvard College Observatory and her important discoveries that enabled the scientific community to gain a fuller understanding of the universe's vast size.

Follow the historical story of a slave's journey of learning to read and write poetry.

Follow the beloved American jazz singer's rise to fame, including the difficult historical and cultural factors that she overcame. Check out some Ella Fitzgerald in our CD Collection.