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Suggested Biographies for Fourth Grade

Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. Explore these fascinating stories about real people. Books are suggested for Fourth Grade, but remember that each Reader is different, and might find something interesting at another level.

This book for young readers tells the story of Washington, D.C. through the story of an African American man, Michael Shiner.  Shiner lived there from approximately 1804 to 1880 and kept a journal, excerpts of which are interspersed throughout this book's heavily illustrated text.

Many girls in elementary and middle school fall in love with the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder. What they don't always realize is that Wilder's books are autobiographical. This narrative biography describes more of the details of the young Laura's real life as a young pioneer homesteading with her family on many adventurous journeys and points out the differences between the fictional series as well as the many similarities.

Malala Yousafzai by Robin S. Doak

This biography chronicles the life of the young Pakistani student who advocates for women's rights and education, survived an assassination attempt, and in 2014 became the youngest Nobel Peace Prize-winner in history.

A tribute to the life of the creator of The Little Prince traces his early achievements as a pilot, his efforts to break aviation records, and the experiences that inspired his writing life.

Hospitalized with the dreaded atom bomb disease, leukemia, a child in Hiroshima races against time to fold one thousand paper cranes to verify the legend that by doing so a sick person will become healthy.

A Stranger at Home : a True Story by Christy Jordan-Fenton

Continuing the story begun in Fatty Legs, this book looks at he experiences of a young Inuit girl returning from a residential religious school, where she is not recognized by her mother and is seen as an outsider.

This biography discusses Thomas Jefferson's efforts to grow the nation and his love of growing fruits, vegetables, and trees.

This illustrated look at the life of Vincent van Gogh, discusses his inspirations and struggles, focuses on his close relationship with his brother Theo, and showcases fourteen of his paintings.

Sarah Breedlove Walker, though born in poverty, became a pioneer in hair and beauty care products for black women, and enjoyed great financial success.