May We Suggest? This post contains recommendations from a CPL librarian. To get your own customized recommendation, just fill out the May We Suggest form — you can expect results within 10 days. All suggestions can be found on the May We Suggest blog or by liking May We Suggest on facebook.

Suggested Biographies for First Grade


Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. Explore these fascinating stories about real people. Books are suggested for First Grade, but remember that each Reader is different, and might find something interesting at another level.

This inspirational tribute to Anne Frank describes how, after being deprived of the outdoors for years, she found hope and courage while hiding in the secret annex by glimpsing the branches of a tall chestnut tree through an attic window.

This biography of astronomer Annie Jump Cannon describes how she helped develop the system for classifying the temperature of stars. Other astronomers of interest include: Henrietta Leavitt, Galileo, and Eratosthenes.

Farmer Will Allen and the Growing Table by Jacqueline Briggs Martin

Explore the story of former basketball star and current urban farmer and activist, Will Allen, whose vision of gardening from abandoned urban sites led to a grassroots feeding craze.

Looks at the life and achievements of the lesser-known aviatrix, tracing her beliefs about the equal capabilities of women, her efforts to become the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean, and her high-profile rescue at sea.

Author Jean Marzollo introduces children to a great scientist and encourages them to cultivate a sense of wonder and a desire to explore. Bright, bold illustrations underscore that science and learning are fun!

Learn how young Malcolm's optimism and faith were challenged by intolerance and how a series of tragedies compelled him to learn self-reliance and embrace his individuality to reach his highest potential.

Also available in: audiobook | e-video

Follow the life of the famous physicist, from his early ideas to his groundbreaking theories.

Learn about a female entomologist and artist from the Middle Ages who investigated the common wisdom about butterflies and moths. For more information on these fascinating insects, look in J595.78.

This picture book biography explores the life of Theodore Roosevelt through vivid prose and the president's own words.

War Dogs by Kathryn Selbert

Take a look at Winston Churchill and his relationship with a miniature poodle, Rufus.