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Suggested Biographies for Fifth Grade

Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. Explore these fascinating stories about real people. Books are suggested for Fifth Grade, but remember that each Reader is different, and might find something interesting at another level.

This book presents humorous anecdotes from the author's childhood, including summer vacations in Norway and an English boarding school. You may also be interested in his quirky writings.

Michel Chikwanine was five years old when he was abducted from his school-yard soccer game in the Democratic Republic of Congo and forced to become a soldier for a brutal rebel militia. Against the odds, Michel managed to escape and later immigrated to Canada.  This book is part of Michel's effort to raise awareness about child soldiers around the world.

Learn about Emily Dickinson's schooling, seclusion, and the slant rhymes for which she became famous. Interested in exploring her poetry? Try A Brighter Garden.

Discover the life and accomplishments of the fashion designer, from her early life of poverty, to her successes in the Paris fashion world, her collaboration with well-known artists of her day, and the influence of her innovative designs on later fashion.

This delicious, illustrated biography is a portrait of the remarkable woman, author, and TV personality who captured our hearts with her sparkling personality.

The first female pitcher to win a game in the Little League World Series describes her life and athletic exploits.

This biography profiles the renowned author of The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy, focusing on his study of medieval texts and languages and other factors that influenced his writings.

This biography examines the life and accomplishments of Temple Grandin, whose childhood diagnosis of autism and love of cows led her to revolutionize the livestock industry.

Explore the life of Charles S. Stratton, who stopped growing about six months after his birth in 1838 and began performing as a curiosity named Tom Thumb.  This book includes discussion regarding ethical questions about exploitation.