STEAM Stop: Gross Science

dripping words Gross Science, fly farting, pile of poo, a moldy old broken bone

It is necessary to experiment and learn about the things related to the gross area of science because though it seems a bit yucky, it is necessary for us to understand how things work. An example would be studying sweat and perspiration to make sure that our bodies are fueled correctly for the activities we want to participate in. Another relates to understanding how our skin repairs itself with blisters, scabs, and scars to help facilitate healing and prevent infection. Everyone poops, so why not explore and learn more on the physics related to poop? And finally, we have some experiments to uncover the germiest place in your home. Tune into this TED Talk on Gross Science to find out more about the importance of the gross part of science. 

Want to experiment on your own? Below are some activities and materials for all ages and abilities to explore this topic in different ways. 

Bodily Functions

Exploding burp bags:

Burps, belches, or whatever you call them are essentially just gas escaping your body. In this experiment, you will gather household items to make burping exploding bags and learn more about burps. 

Sweat Lab:

Did you know that your body has a built-in cooler? And it might not be what you think! Sweat is produced when you are hot, but its purpose is actually to cool your body as the water in it evaporates from your skin. In this experiment, you'll use the energy produced when water evaporates to cool down chocolate-covered candy so it doesn't melt.

Skin Tissue: Faux Blisters

Learn why we get blisters while making fake ones in this gross science experiment

Scat and Poo

Everybody poops. There are multiple books about it and yet we might not talk about this that much with anyone other than our immediate family and physicians. Did you know that it takes humans and elephants the same amount of time to defecate? This article in Scientific American goes in-depth on the physics of poop. If you're looking for a more "hands-on" activity, try one of the links below. 

Where are the most germs in your house?

Bacteria live everywhere! Some bacteria are good and some are well, kinda gross. We are going to use this experiment to see where the most germs live at home. Invite everyone at home to make their bets and follow these instructions to see who is right. 

Looking for more fun things? check out our other STEAM square stops here or head back to the 62 Days of Summer home page for more ways to participate in the summer program!

Related Books

Whose poop is that? by Darrin P Lunde
Track that scat! by 1969- Lisa Morlock
The body by 1969- Julie Murray

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