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Short Lives

Enjoy these short but fascinating biographies which come in under 200 pages.

Lady sings the blues by Billie Holiday
Scoundrel time by Lillian Hellman
Abraham Lincoln by Thomas Keneally
Crazy Horse by Larry McMurtry
An education by Lynn Barber
Saint Augustine by Garry Wills
George Washington by James MacGregor Burns
Chaucer by Peter Ackroyd
Mozart by Peter Gay
Dwight D. Eisenhower by Tom Wicker
Too soon to say goodbye by Art Buchwald
Thérèse of Lisieux by Monica Furlong

Prolific journalist, historian, political columnist, and practicing Catholic writes an intensely opinionated re-evaluation of leaders and celebrities he has encountered, among them Studs Terkel, Beverly Sills, William Buckley, Richard Nixon, and more.