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Share a Story--Feeling Brave

Storytime was a great place to chat about being brave. Don't worry kids, it can be hard for grown-ups to be brave in the face of something scary, too! Just know that it takes work and family to help you grow brave. Courage rocks!

Stories and Songs from Storytime

Songs We Sang:

Going on a Lion Hunt



Books We Read:


The doghouse by 1958- Jan Thomas
Little tree by illustrator Loren Long

More Great Stories to Enjoy!

Brave Molly by illustrator Brooke Boynton-Hughes
I will be fierce! by Bea Birdsong
Brave enough for two by illustrator Jonathan D Voss
I am brave by Suzy Capozzi
The very last castle by Travis Jonker
Jabari jumps by illustrator Gaia Cornwall
Brave by Stacy McAnulty