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Real People Making History


To earn eLectrified badges, follow the links to various media formats of each title, or read the print book to earn your bookworm badges. In the list of people below you will find that all of them have made history, but some are animal lovers, others creative types, and some explore the great outdoors.

Also available in: e-audiobook | video | e-video

Bilingual text, accompanied by colorful photographs, explores the famous artist's life, and illuminates the laughter, love, and tragedy that influenced her work.

Also available in: video | e-video

Follows the life of the famous physicist, from his early ideas to his groundbreaking theories.

Looking at Lincoln by Maira Kalman
Also available in: e-audiobook | video | e-video

A young girl is curious about Abraham Lincoln and sets out to find out more about the life of the nation's sixteenth president.

Also available in: video | e-video

An illustrated biography of British primatologist Jane Goodall, describing her childhood, the years she spent in the African forests to observe chimpanzees, and her efforts to protect and preserve primates and their habitats.

Also available in: video | e-video

A look at the early life of Israel's first female prime minster shares a story from her childhood in which, at age nine, she organized her friends to raise money to buy textbooks for immigrant classmates.

Also available in: e-audiobook | video | e-video

Sheds light on the fascinating life and interests of the Renaissance man who was our third president.

Also available in: e-audiobook | video | e-video

Mumbet's Declaration of Independence tells the story of a Massachusetts slave from the Revolutionary era--in 1781, she successfully used the new Massachusetts Constitution to make a legal case that she should be free.

Also available in: e-audiobook | video | e-video

A picture book introduction to the life of the mid-twentieth-century aviation and auto racing pioneer describes her fascination with vehicles during childhood and the daring achievements that earned her the title, "First Lady of Firsts."

Also available in: e-audiobook | e-video

Retells the story of the famous thinker's first invention as a young Ben Franklin, troubled by the fact that fish swim better than he does, tries to invent a way to swim more fluidly.

Also available in: e-audiobook | video | e-video

Celebrates the 1936 debut of the Benny Goodman quartet with Teddy Wilson in Chicago, considered to be the first widely seen integrated jazz performance.

Also available in: video | e-video