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New Year, Start Here!

It's the New Year and the right time to press the reset button. But New Year's resolutions have a way of losing their staying power over time. Try focusing instead on making achievable goals like choosing healthier food options or adding more physical fitness to your weekly routines. The library can help spark your goals with these new additions to the health collection or check out one of our Experience to Go kits like Small Steps--Get Healthy! 

For generations, women have been convinced that true happiness only comes when we hit that goal weight, shrink ourselves down, and change ourselves to fit a rigid and unrealistic beauty ideal. We've been taught to see our bodies as collections of problems that need to be fixed. Instagram star Megan Jayne Crabbe is determined to spread the word that loving the body you have is the real path to happiness. An international body positive guru with fans in all corners of the world, Megan spent years battling eating disorders and weight fluctuations before she found her way to body positivity. She quit dieting, discovered a new kind of confidence, and replaced all those old feelings of body shame and self-recrimination with everyday joy. Free of the pressure to fit in a size 2, her life became more satisfying than ever before. In her debut book, Megan shares her own struggles with self-acceptance and her path to body positivity. With whip-smart wit and a bold attitude that lights up her Instagram feed, Megan champions a new worldview for all of us: It's time to stop dieting and get on with your life.

Reboot Your Health starts with a comprehensive and bespoke health assessment. From inexpensive and simple tests you can do yourself (sleep, saliva/urine pH, bowel habits, blood pressure, candida etc.) and tests you can ask your doctor or pharmacist for (thyroid, cholesterol, vitamin deficiency, hormone imbalance, inflammatory markers etc.) readers will start to benchmark their own body against a range of "normal" - including heart rate, BMI and metabolic rate. Solutions can then be pick-and-mixed from a range of conventional medical solutions, scientifically backed Western complementary and alternative approaches, Eastern medical techniques, and psychological therapies and healing modalities. If you're still not well, further chapters offer advice on other options to pursue, including specialist tests. This book gives you the tools to listen to your body, collect information, take practical steps to get you feeling better and more in touch with your own body, and avoid future illness.

Have you wanted to try yoga but wondered if it was for you? Or perhaps you were uncertain whether you could carry out the poses? As the creator of a body-affirming yoga phenomenon that embraces people of all shapes and sizes, Anna Guest-Jelley has written an encouraging book that is about to become your go-to resource. In Curvy Yoga®, she shares stories about body shaming with poignancy and even sometimes with humor. Guest-Jelley also reveals how things started to change once she found yoga--the last thing the self-declared non-athlete ever thought was possible. In addition, Guest-Jelley shares how yoga can help you connect with your body and why accepting your body doesn't mean giving up on it. Finally, in the appendix, she presents a series of pose instructions and options to make yoga work for your body--not the other way around.

Discover the critical link between your brain and the food you eat and change the way your brain ages, in this cutting-edge, practical guide to eliminating brain fog, optimizing brain health, and achieving peak mental performance from media personality and leading voice in health Max Lugavere. After his mother was diagnosed with a mysterious form of dementia, Max Lugavere put his successful media career on hold to learn everything he could about brain health and performance. For the better half of a decade, he consumed the most up-to-date scientific research, talked to dozens of leading scientists and clinicians around the world, and visited the country's best neurology departments--all in the hopes of understanding his mother's condition.

Now, in Genius Foods, Lugavere presents a comprehensive guide to brain optimization. He uncovers the stunning link between our dietary and lifestyle choices and our brain functions, revealing how the foods you eat directly affect your ability to focus, learn, remember, create, analyze new ideas, and maintain a balanced mood.

From celebrity health guru and New York Times best-selling author Dr. Frank Lipman, the definitive guide to total wellness. In his best-selling book, The New Health Rules, Dr. Frank Lipman laid out a modern manifesto for living a healthy and fulfilling life. How to Be Well is the essential follow up: a hands-on manual to mastering the habits, routines, and tactics that will help readers improve their health and establish the pillars of lifelong vitality. In How to Be Well, Lipman has created The Good Medicine Mandala--a new map for a new era of medicine. The Good Medicine Mandala is illustrated by a circular system of six rings that contain simple steps to what really works to improve and strengthen resilience, functioning, and overall health. The Six Rings are: How to Eat: Mastering the very building blocks of life: food. How to Sleep: Restoring one of our most fundamental needs. How to Move: Helping the body move in the ways that nature intended. How to Protect: Mitigating and preventing the invisible assaults of everyday toxins. How to Unwind: Consciously switching off to allow for mental reprieve. How to Connect: Awakening and enhancing a sense of belonging and meaning.

A comprehensive guide to the integrated detox of body, mind, and spirit. Presents a practical 28-day plant-based program, divided into four cycles, to initiate and maximize physical, mental, and spiritual detoxification. Integrates the ancient wisdom of yoga, Ayurveda, and Traditional Chinese Medicine with naturopathic principles and contemporary nutritional science. Provides plant-based smoothie and meal recipes, tips on liver health and healthy elimination, exercise and yoga practices, breathing and meditation techniques to address toxic thought patterns, and Karma/Forgiveness cleansing rituals