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Life During Medieval Times

Profiles everyday life in fourteenth-century England, covering everything from period beliefs and styles to hygiene and medical practices, and also discusses the influence of warfare.

Medieval castles by Marilyn Stokstad
Castle [videodisc] by David Macaulay

Author David Macaulay leads viewers on a castle tour, explaining its cultural and sociological significance and its architectural design. Detailed animation dramatizes the building of the castle and portrays the lifestyle of the early inhabitants.

Beginning with their introduction in the eleventh century, and ending with their widespread abandonment in the seventeenth, Marc Morris explores many of the country's most famous castles, as well as some spectacular lesser-known examples.

The medieval city by Norman John Greville Pounds
A day in a medieval city by Chiara Frugoni
Medieval people by Eileen Edna Power

Historians discuss the history, use and design of a medieval weapon called a trebuchet which is much like a giant slingshot.