Library Board Meeting Minutes — Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Chairperson, Amy Watts, called the meeting to order at 7:34 PM.

Present:           N. Eggenberger, M. Farell, J. Lee, J. Pandit (joined at 7:39 PM), D. Turner, A. Watts

Absent:            None

Also Present:  E. Davis, K. Gladden

  • CALL TO AUDIENCE   (L. Golden, A. Iqbal, D. McHugh, M. Nicholson, R. Noble, J. Parij, D. Skopczynski, C. Spas, C. Swanberg, N. Szczepanski) – Director Eva Davis introduced the Canton Public Library Board of Trustees to the audience.        

Secretary/Treasurer Michelle Farell moved and Trustee Nancy Eggenberger supported a motion to accept the agenda as amended.


Yes: N. Eggenberger, M. Farell, J. Lee, D. Turner, A. Watts

No:  None

Abstain: None

The motion passed (5-0-0)



Yes: N. Eggenberger, M. Farell, J. Lee, D. Turner, A. Watts

No:  None

Abstain: None

The motion passed (5-0-0)


Director Eva Davis reported that Jim Pletz, director of The Library Network (TLN), has announced his retirement and will step down as of October 1st. TLN has a seasoned staff and she anticipates no problems as TLN searches for his replacement.

The new lobby entry doors have been ordered and will be installed in early June. They will be touchless, grocery-style doors.

Building Manager Jim Laffey will oversee the final phase of the library’s disinfection project; all carpets will be cleaned and treated on Tuesday, May 26.

Community Relations Department Head Laurie Golden was interviewed by Sonya Norris of the Library of Michigan about the library website’s pandemic information sources and COVID-19 resource page, and blog post updates on library services. The Canton Public Library was held out to be an excellent example of what libraries should be doing at this time.

Golden and Circulation Services Department Head Nancy Szczepanski coordinated an email survey (done with our Savannah software) of 4700 frequent library users on their interest and level of comfort regarding the pickup of physical materials and other issues related to the eventual phased reopening of the library. As of Thursday, there had been roughly 1100 responses; thus far, a high interest in physical materials has been registered.

The library is a third of the way through the fiscal year. The first State Aid to Libraries payment was just received; it will be reflected in the May financials at the June meeting. Given the costs to the state due to COVID-19, Davis expects that the second payment (as well as any penal fines) will be considerably less than expected. Other Income items, such as meeting room rentals, are trending downward and will continue to do so, due to lack of usage. Any adjustments will be made with the 3rd Quarter Budget Amendment in October.

As always at this point of the year, certain expenditures are trending higher. Fringe Benefits are higher because of the annual payment made to MERS in January. Professional & Contractual is trending higher due to the purchase or renewal of various software licenses and maintenance agreements. Travel is higher because of staff attendance at the biennial Public Library Association conference in Nashville in February.  Any other 2020 conferences will be held virtually at a reduced rate, and no airline, hotel or meal expenses will be incurred. Any unused dollars will be reclaimed in the 3rd Quarter Budget Amendment. Yearly Insurance payments are also billed during the 1st quarter; the Worker’s Compensation policy has yet to be billed.  Capital Outlay expenditures are attributable to the ENGIE project. These areas will fall into line as the year progresses.

Form 5572 (2-19) The Protecting Local Government Retirement and Benefits Act (PA 202 of 2017) & Public Act 530 of 2016 Pension Report form had been supplied to the board, as required by the state.

Trustee Don Turner questioned the source of the Municipal Employees’ Retirement System (MERS) return on investment (ROI) assumption. E. Davis stated that the Administration and previous boards had found the MERS assumptions to be overly optimistic, which is why the library over-funds the pension plan in each year’s budget. An Experience Study, or performance audit, is done on the MERS assumptions every five years. Turner’s concern that this pension funding will be a never-ending exercise should be eased since the board voted in 2017 to discontinue enrollment to new employees.

  • Library Closure Due to COVID-19 — reopening

The library is experiencing an outstanding increase in eMedia checkouts, card applications and card renewals. Davis lauded L. Golden and Information Services Department Head Jessica Parij for the quantity and quality of social media posts and online engagements, such as virtual StoryTime sessions.

There will be an all-staff Zoom meeting on Friday, May 22; staff members will be able to voice their concerns re: reopening at that time.

Davis reiterated that the plan to implement reopening the library is based on a tightly controlled, conceptual framework, designed to be flexible so that the library can pivot and make changes based on current conditions. She has learned much from watching the experiences of retail and grocery stores.

The library has discontinued all room rentals, but has consented for civic reasons to Canton Township Clerk Michael Siegrist’s request, pending Township Board discussion, to allow his people to use the Community Room to process same-day voter registrations in August. Canton Township Treasurer Dian Slavens also contacted Davis for input on how the library plans to address fears and concerns of older library patrons, as the township regularly services older residents that prefer to do business in-person, rather than online. Davis continues to be in constant contact with the township Emergency Coordinator, Will Hayes.

Department heads are meeting to construct staff schedules for the limited reopening and succeeding phases. In response to Trustee Nancy Eggenberger’s expressed concern re: dealing with patrons refusing to comply with face mask regulations or policies, Davis stated that no patrons will be entering the building during the first phases of wide staff return; when they do, it will only be by appointment and all requirements will be shared with patrons at that time. Davis will also be receiving guidance from the library’s attorney and Will Hayes on dealing with patrons claiming a medical exception to wearing a face mask.

Vice Chair Jasmine Lee asked if building security will be increased; Davis is looking at that possibility.

    • Revisions to Furlough Policy — The library is not proposing any furloughs at this time and in fact it has never been implemented since the board passed the furlough policy 11 years ago. Administration feels it is prudent to review and update it at this time to be sure it conforms with current laws and regulations.

D. Turner moved and J. Lee supported a motion to accept the revised Furlough Policy as presented.


Yes: N. Eggenberger, M. Farell, J. Lee, J. Pandit, D. Turner, A. Watts

No:  None

Abstain: None

The motion passed 20/5‑21-1 (6-0-0)

  • 2021 Budget Discussion — Expenditures
    • Capital Expenditures — Due to the library’s extended shutdown, it is not known exactly which anticipated technology or facilities projects will actually be done. They will be re-evaluated as the year progresses, based on need and/or patron interest.

Vice Chair Lee inquired about the need for the new accounting platform in the proposed Capital Replacement Schedule. Davis explained that Accountant Debbie McHugh has been consulting with the auditors and other libraries to select a replacement for Quickbooks, which cannot support the new Uniform Chart of Accounts that will be mandatory in January.

  • Salaries — Davis stated that the mandated minimum wage increase in January 2021 consequently means that the pay differential between the lowest tier and the middle tier of the Circulation Services employees will essentially be wiped out. Based on Merces Consulting’s review of job evaluations and labor market studies, and the duties and responsibilities within individual job categories, she proposed a 1.7% increase to the Salaries line, with priority to be given to those frontline employees in the lower pay grades, and a 5% cut to the director’s salary. Any increases to eligible employees would be based on job performance, with some employees possibly receiving more than 1.7%, some less and some receiving no increase at all.  While the Merces recommendation was an average 3.0% increase, Davis recommends her alternate recommendation. The board asked for a revised proposal at the June meeting with a slight increase to the lower pay grades due to the state minimum wage increase; pay freezes for all other positions; and no pay cuts.
  • 2021 Budget Discussion — Expenditures
    • Millage Rate — Davis recommended an assessment of 1.4717 mills for 2021.
    • Property tax collection rate — Davis recommended a 96% collection rate assumption, down from the 99% rate in 2020. With the moratorium on foreclosures and evictions, she felt it is prudent to plan for more property tax delinquencies.

Even with the lesser millage and lowered collection rate assumption, the 2021 budget projects a $100,000 revenue increase, due to new construction in the township. The board members indicated their assent to using these figures in the 2021 budget proposal.

  • Revision to 2020 Schedule of Board Meetings and Library Closures — The 2020 Liberty Fest has been cancelled, and Davis requested that the board rescind the library closure dates that were to accommodate it. Since the library would then be open the evening of June 18, the board would be able to hold their 3rd Thursday meeting on that date, if desired.

D. Turner moved and N. Eggenberger supported a motion to rescind the early library closure of June 18 and the full-day closures of June 19 and June 20, and to move the scheduled June meeting of the Canton Public Library Board of Trustees to Thursday, June 18.


Yes: N. Eggenberger, M. Farell, J. Lee, J. Pandit, D. Turner, A. Watts

No:  None

Abstain: None

The motion passed 20/5‑21-2 (6-0-0)

  • Pandemic Reopening Policy (1st reading) —The library’s attorney at Foster, Swift recommended that the board approve this pandemic policy, which delegates certain authority to the director with regard to issues that might arise regarding reopening plans, staffing, patrons and hygiene.

They will vote on the policy at the June meeting.

  • CALL TO AUDIENCE – Davis showed to the board the final proof of the 62 Days of Summer activities map that will be part of the packet that will be mailed to every Canton household in June.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:46PM.