Library Board Meeting Minutes — Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Chairperson, Amy Watts, called the meeting to order at 7:36 PM.

Present:           N. Eggenberger, J. Pandit, D. Turner, A. Watts

Absent:            M. Farell, J. Lee

Also Present:  E. Davis, K. Gladden

  • CALL TO AUDIENCE  (L. Golden, D. Huntzicker, D. McHugh, M. Nicholson, R. Noble, J. Parij, C. Paul, S. Sharma, N. Szczepanski) – None       

The agenda was approved as amended by unanimous consent.


The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

  • COMMUNICATIONS — A Thank You card from WDET News Director Jerome Vaughn, in appreciation for the library’s participation in the station’s Crossing the Line program, was circulated to the board members.

    Packets for 62 Days of Summer were given to each of the board members.


    The library is 41% through the year. Income is trending higher due to monies received under
    Miscellaneous and Contributions; this will be reconciled when the income is recognized in the 
    2nd Quarter Budget Amendment in July.  Some expenditures continue to trend higher: Fringe
    Benefits, due to the MERS lump sum payment that was made early in the year; Insurance
    and Professional & Contractual, due to contracts, licensing fees and insurance premiums  
    having to be paid in the first quarter; Building Improvements, due to construction projects. All 
    of these areas will fall in line as the year progresses.

  • TRUSTEE COMMENTS — Vice Chair Nancy Eggenberger requested further explication regarding the vending commission trends which had been mentioned in the May board meeting minutes.
    • 2019-2020 Healthcare Plan Contract Options Presentation — Dave Huntzicker and Clay Paul of Kapnick Insurance Group reviewed the changes to the renewal plan for Healthy Blue Living HMO Platinum 500, and the costs to the library and to covered employees under either the hard cap or the 80/20 employee cost-sharing method for medical premiums, per Michigan Public Act 152.
    • 2020 Budget Discussion (Expenditures)
      • Capital Replacement Schedule & ENGIE Services Contract — The board reviewed both the Engie pricing breakout sheet and Building Manager Jim Laffey’s mechanical quotes for individual projects.

           Trustee Don Turner moved and N. Eggenberger supported a motion to authorize
           Director Eva Davis to enter into a project management contract agreement with Engie 

           The motion passed unanimously 19/6-20-1.

    • Approve 2019-2020 Healthcare Plan Contract — N. Eggenberger moved and D. Turner supported a motion to approve the renewal of the Healthy Blue Living HMO Platinum 500 healthcare plan for 2019-2020.

The motion passed unanimously 19/6-20-2.

  •  Approve Employee Cost-Sharing Method for Medical Premiums as Outlined by Michigan Public Act 152 (Publicly Funded Health Insurance Act) — D. Turner moved and Secretary/Treasurer Jane Pandit supported a motion to approve the hard cap as the employee cost-sharing method for medical premiums for the August 1, 2019 – July 31, 2020 contract year, in compliance with Michigan Public Act 152.

   The motion passed unanimously 19/6-20-3.

  • 2020 Budget Discussion (Expenditures) 
    • Millage Rate — The maximum rate that can be levied for 2020 is 1.4851 mills; there was a millage fraction reduction as a result of the rise in property tax values in the township and the strictures of the Headlee Amendment.  Davis recommended that the board levy the maximum rate in the 2020 budget.
    • Property Tax Collection Rate — Davis stated that, while she would like to remain conservative in her projections for the property tax collection rate in 2020, she felt comfortable, based on actual collection rates from the last few years, in budgeting based on a projected 99% collection rate.

       The board directed Davis and Business Services Department Head Marian Nicholson to
       use the library recommendation for the millage rate and property tax collection rate when 
       preparing the first draft budget for the July meeting.

       D. Turner reminded Davis that the board would like to see a cover sheet of all board  
       directions that had impacted the proposed budget when she brings it to the board in July.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:43 PM.