Library Board Meeting Minutes — Thursday, July 20, 2017

The Vice-Chairperson, Don Turner, called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.

Present:           Nancy Eggenberger, Jasmine Lee, Jane Pandit, Don Turner, Amy Watts

Absent:            Michelle Farell

Also Present:  E. Davis, K. Gladden


  • CALL TO AUDIENCE (L. Golden, R. Havenstein-Coughlin, K. Krockenberger, D. McHugh, M. Nicholson,
    R. Noble, N. Szczepanski, G. Taylor, A. Yunker)


    The agenda was approved as amended by unanimous consent.


    The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.




  • DIRECTORS REPORT — An account has been established at the Canton Community Foundation for
    monies received from anonymous donors. With the assistance of the library’s attorney, a final
    memorandum of understanding has been crafted to ensure that the library understands what the
    donors’ requirements are. The board will vote in August on whether to sign off on the memorandum.

    The third National Night Out/Not in My Town rally, sponsored by Canton Township, Canton Leisure Services, the Canton Response to Hate Crimes Coalition, and the Library, will be held in Heritage Park at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, August 1st.  The Hate Crimes Coalition has received $1,000 from Community Financial to offset some of the costs of the rally.


  • TRUSTEE COMMENTS —Vice-Chair D. Turner complimented E. Davis and library employees for their vigilance regarding pest prevention. He asked that a board discussion on community education about the issue be added to the August agenda.




    •  Approve IT Security Policy — N. Eggenberger moved and J. Lee supported a motion to approve the IT Security Policy as presented.
      The motion passed unanimously 17/7-20-1


    • Energy Analysis Proposal — Siemens Infrastructure & Cities Building Technologies representatives George Taylor and Kyle Krockenberger presented an energy analysis feasibility report to the board. The library building is nearly 30 years old and many critical systems are nearing the end of their lifespan. Siemens made the case that, with their organizational and engineering expertise and purchasing power, they could remove administrative burden from library staff and effect cost-savings for the library when replacements and upgrades become necessary. 
    • Approve 2nd Quarter Budget Amendment — E. Davis reviewed the proposed budget amendment, pointing out that the monthly Profit & Loss statement reflected over 100% in revenue in some areas; the budget amendment recognizes and adjusts that.
      A. Watts moved and J. Pandit supported a motion to approve the 2nd Quarter Budget Amendment as presented.
      The motion passed unanimously 17/7-20-2
    • 2018 Draft Budget Proposal and 2019-2020 Projections (1st look) – Davis reviewed the four documents (budget narrative, proposed budget, actual property tax collection rates, and fund balance data chart) presented for the board’s consideration. Davis stated that, as the estimate for the proposed staff renovation project are not yet available, a fund balance request for the project will be presented at a later date.




    The meeting was adjourned at 9:33 PM.