Library Board Meeting Minutes — Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Chairperson, Kim Schulz, called the meeting to order at 7:29 PM.

Present: N. Eggenberger, M. Farell, J. Fausone, S. Foster, K. Schulz


Absent: T. Hartnett

Also Present: E. Davis, K. Gladden

Call To Audience

(L. Golden, V. Krimmer, L. Kyko, K. Lauria, D. McHugh, B. Mosher, M. Nicholson S. Rzetelny, P. Schrauben, N. Szczepanski) – None

Approval Of Agenda

The agenda was approved as amended by unanimous consent.

Approval Of General Meeting Minutes

The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.



Director's Report

E. Davis informed the board that the Administrative Assistant for Human Resources, Marian Nicholson, had accepted the position of Department Head of Business Services, effective September 22, 2014.

Davis also expressed her gratitude to Trustee T. Hartnett for representing the board earlier in the week at the annual staff picnic. At the event, the Friends of the Library announced the recipients of their annual Education Awards: $1,000 each was presented to five staff members and one volunteer.

Trustee Fausone questioned what the Belleville Area District Library millage defeat meant for the Canton Public Library. Davis said that the failed bond had been for construction of the proposed new lakefront library and renovation of another building which was to be used as a satellite branch, plus additional operating revenue. The Belleville area library has an existing operating millage, but she has not heard from director Deb Green as to what their next step will be. Currently, Belleville area residents may check out a maximum of ten (10) items from the Canton Public Library.

Finance Committee Report


Unfinished Business and General Orders


New Business

Community Survey Results - L. Golden reviewed the community survey, which had been done jointly with Canton Leisure Services. She indicated that the administration had been and will continue to use the resulting data to determine where the library stands and what is next, in terms of the Strategic Plan. ETC delivered a scatter graph as well as the raw data; a deeper dive into the data is budgeted for 2015, when members of the University of Michigan-Dearborn College of Business will analyze the data as a class project. Golden said that very specific questions were asked in the survey, targeting areas where the library could actually have an impact, based on the responses. The library might consider doing another similar survey, midway through the next Strategic Plan cycle.

Schedule Special Meeting to Conduct Trustee Candidate Interviews - The board agreed to select five (5) candidates to interview. The evening of Thursday, September 4th worked for all members present; interviews will commence at 6:30 PM and each should last approximately 20 minutes.

S. Foster moved and N. Eggenberger supported a motion to hold the special meeting on Thursday, September 4, 2014.

The motion passed unanimously 14/8-21-1

Selection of Trustee Candidates to Interview - The board agreed to interview Candidates A (Annie Rosinski); D (Mushir Khwaja); E (Don Turner); G (Valerie Krimmer) and I (Kelli Lauria). Davis will contact all applicants, and will prepare an interview schedule for the selected candidates.

(Draft) 2015 Budget (2nd Look) - Trustee Fausone was appreciative of the financial charts S. Rzetelny and D. McHugh had prepared; together with discussions he’d had with Rzetelny, they satisfied questions re: the proposed budget and fund balance expenditures which he had raised at the July meeting. The question of paying off the building bond earlier than 2020 was raised; Davis will look into the ramifications.

Proposed Revision of Employee Policy Handbook (2nd Reading) - The board had read over the proposed changes to the policy and had no objections.

N. Eggenberger moved and S. Foster supported a motion to accept the revised Employee Policy Handbook as presented (effective January 1, 2015).

The motion passed unanimously 14/8-21-2

Call To Audience



The meeting was adjourned at 8:49 PM.