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July 13th--Time to Embrace Your Geekness!

July 13th is a day we can all enjoy--it is Embrace Your Geekness  Day! What do you totally geek out about? Spend the day sharing your love with everyone and maybe even finding something new to geek out about. 

When Roan's application to pilot school is rejected, he finds he has been invited to study under Master Yoda at the Jedi Academy.

Minecraft Guide to Minigames by Mojang Ab (COR)/ Official Minecraft Team (COR)
Sisters by Raina Telgemeier

In a semi-autobiographical graphic novel, Raina's disappointing bond with a cranky, independent younger sister is further challenged by the arrival of a baby brother and an estrangement in their parents' marriage.

Presents information about the LEGO DC universe, including superheroes, supervillains, and all their supergadgets.

Introduces the Avengers, including information on their origins, stats, and foes.

Ash, Pikachu, and friends travel to the Orange Islands on their quest to become Pok©♭mon masters, and encounter strange Pok©♭mon they have never seen before as they try to stay one step ahead of Team Rocket.

Minions. Banana! by Renaud Collin
Big Nate blasts off by Lincoln Peirce

After his fight with Randy Betancourt makes headlines in the school paper, Big Nate has a problem worse than detention on his hands.

Waiting is not easy! by Mo Willems

Piggie tells Gerald she has a surprise for him, but it is not there yet, so Gerald must be patient.