May We Suggest? This post contains recommendations from a CPL librarian. To get your own customized recommendation, just fill out the May We Suggest form — you can expect results within 10 days. All suggestions can be found on the May We Suggest blog or by liking May We Suggest on facebook.

Have a Picnic

Break up your mealtime routine this summer with a picnic!

Head to a park, walk right out into your backyard and lay a blanket out on the grass, or have a picnic on the floor inside your house if the weather is bad. Visit one of Canton's parks, or check the Take a Ride or Go For a Hike squares for more ideas of where to picnic. 


Enjoy Yourself

Keep it simple. Avoiding too much fuss will promote relaxation and give you time to enjoy yourself.

  • Let the kids help with preparations
  • Play some no sweat games like "duck, duck, goose" or  "I spy."  Check out the Backyard Fun square for more ideas
  • If you are able to picnic outside, take some time to Observe Nature 


Get Creative

Snap a Photo to remember your picnic or capture the beauty around you, or for something more involved, make your own picnic blanket.

Check out this Creativebug class to create a Veggie Stamp Picnic Blanket. While you're there, look at Creativebug's Summer Picnic Ideas

What should we eat?

Create an effortless meal from what you find in your kitchen with no-prep foods or leftovers. If you're feeling inspired, check out these cookbooks for ideas on what to make.

Weber's ultimate grilling by Jamie Purviance
Tasty sandwiches by 1967- Jennifer S. Larson


Please remember to stay safe and check current CDC guidelines for small gatherings and cookouts if picnicking with individuals who are not members of your household.


Head back to 62 days of Summer for more ways to participate in the summer program!