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Follow that Line

Harold and the purple crayon by Crockett Johnson

Harold decides to take a walk in the moonlight, but first he must create a moon with his purple crayon..

Despite the admonitions of his friends, a straight line enjoys expressing himself by twirling in whirls, pointing his joints, and creeping in heaps.

Lines that wiggle by Candace Whitman

A variety of monsters and other creatures demonstrate some of the different things that lines can do, from curve and curl to zig-zag.

Andrew drew and drew by Barney Saltzberg

Andrew's creative adventure unfolds step-by-step through a sequence of flaps and gatefolds that follow his drawings as they evolve in unexpected ways, from a staircase that becomes a dinosaur to a squiggle that morphs into a giant chicken.

Tommaso and the missing line by Matteo Pericoli

When Tommaso discovers that a line is missing from his favorite drawing, he goes looking for it all around town and notices many lines he never saw before.

Scribbleville by Peter Holwitz

When a man who is straight as a stick arrives in Scribbleville, he is met with resistance until one child shows everyone that there is beauty in every kind of line, straight or scribbled.

The squiggle by Carole Lexa Schaefer

As she walks to the park with her school class, a young girl finds a piece of string which her imagination turns into a dragon's tail, an acrobat, fireworks, a storm cloud, and more.

A long piece of string by William Wondriska

Follows a piece of string through images that correspond to the letters of the alphabet.

The game of lines by Hervé Tullet

Features dozens of combinations of line patterns that can be mixed and matched.

The line by Paula Bossio

When a little girl discovers the end of a line, she follows it as it transforms into all sorts of unexpected things in order to discover who is at the other end.